Greta, US and Me....

It's been a little while since I posted about climate change. An issue that I have followed for what seems like a lifetime but in reality is a 'mere' couple of decades. In all that time I have become more and more frustrated at the stead right refusal of those that should know better to accept the evidence of human influence and ultimately the cause of global warming, greenhouse gas emissions.

Over those years what started out for me as another 'Conspiracy Theory' to investigate to find substance and facts in the emerging evidence. What has been startling over this journey is how early those factors causing the damage were suspected but rather than act those responsible chose to ignore, tamper and bury evidence. Subsequently those that wanted to prove this did exactly the same. Two wrongs don't make a right but as we dithered and finger pointed and the propaganda and lies the damage was being done. Because of our inaction and I mean that as individuals rather than governments we are now being shamed by the younger generation. I used to teach people the same age as Greta about climate change and global warming, I am ashamed.

I am not ashamed about my individual actions. If there is one thing that annoys me most it's people not practicing what they preach. Back when I started to understand the role of greenhouse gases was the best fit in the cause I was what you might call an 'early adopter' in reducing my carbon footprint. When I was asked why I didn't drive I would make excuses of cost and not really needing a car as it was embarrassing to look like a green eco warrior and there were no alternative electric vehicles like today. I chose my employment based on locality to walk, cycle and use electric trams when they arrived. I said I didn't like flying to avoid all the flights. Having family that required flying to be with this was the biggest sacrifice but I became accustomed to ferries and trains. I have taken one 'long haul' flight in 30 years. I tried veggie and vegan but having health issues with allergic reactions with some foods became a 'flexitarian' just reducing my meat eating and buying locally to compensate. Beyond my control is how I power my home but I have done my bit by not wasting energy like I used to. None of this is easy but none of it feels a waste of time. Now what I do is the new normal in many households, how times change.

I am though ashamed at not shouting louder. If schoolchildren can upstage a US President and mobilize in protest why couldn't us adults do this before they were even born? My fear is our governments will not take action until children of Greta's generation hold the positions of power, they have grown up in this shadow and are more motivated to act. It is already too late to stop the effects, in actuality they are happening already the danger is by the time they have the power we will have hit the point of no return. When nature is in control and despite stopping adding fuel to the fire it will rage until it burns itself out. I  hope to still be alive for a good while yet and will inevitably see the global turmoil before I pass.

As for Greta, it's uncomfortable viewing seeing a schoolchild being paraded around as the spokesperson for climate change but what is more uncomfortable are the abusive attacks on her parents 'exploiting' her, the attacks on her disability of aspergers, the most sickening attacks have been likening her to Nazi propaganda. These are attacks by those who seem to have the misguided belief that this is all a 'left wing'  plot. They are obviously ' right wing' in their ideals but have missed the point that regardless of politics the climate doesn't choose who to burn, drown or starve.Politicizing climate change is a feeble attempt to divert attention from the lack of action on climate change by right wing politicians, perhaps they are too in bed with the fossil fuel lobbies...

At this point I imagine a few people will be muttering about that although they might concede that global warming is happening but it's the cause that is in question. This is something that EVERY respected climate scientist has asked and investigated, be it little ice ages, solar activity, earths tilt etc etc. Every possible cause however unlikely has been investigated to some extent. That is called scientific process. Unfortunately some people in power don't like the facts. As a way to highlight this problem today as I write this Donald Trump has not spoken at and only briefly entered the room of the UN climate summit. Donald Trump has also pulled the US out of the Paris accord designed to limit greenhouse gas emissions globally, the only country to do so. He has claimed it would damage US economy, a claim it should be noted with less evidence than global warming being caused by greenhouse gases. For the record and to make sure that you the reader have all the facts before they get distorted the  'U.S. GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH PROGRAM CLIMATE SCIENCE SPECIAL REPORT (CSSR)' was leaked today and I enclose the link here.

This is the report that Donald Trump will read and potentially ignore. These are his scientists that he employed. This is not fake news. Whatever version of this gets published if ever you can guarantee it will be censored and reworded. These are as close to the facts as you will get rather than fear mongering or denial. I would strongly advise those still unconvinced to look at this document. The US on paper are the strongest 'Climate change denial' country there is, no wonder this document was not for public viewing....

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