Climate change, the results are in....
Over the past couple of decades like many of us I took an active interest in global warming and climate change. I think everyone has concerns if not just for themselves perhaps their children and even further generations down the line. Like the many scientists that started to have an active interest there where some fundamental questions to answer.
1. Is global warming happening?
2. If it is happening has it happened before?
3. If it hasn't happened before, what is causing it?
4. What effect is it going to have?
5. How can we stop, mitigate or prepare?
The first question has now got 99% scientific consensus that yes it is happening. We have accurate temperature data for over a hundred years showing a consistent global average temperature rise that has a rate that is steadily increasing. These figures are not in dispute.
The second question is where science has had to develop and investigate many different avenues of research for the entire history of the planet. Fossil records, Ice cores, tree rings, soil analysis and establish when the planet had different climates, Ice ages, and warm periods and even anecdotal evidence from medieval warm periods and mini ice ages. Did these happen and if so what effect did this have on temperature the planets climate globally. The latest reports on this vast research are below.
Nature article 1
Nature article 2
Nature article 3
The result of all research to date is that at no point in the planets history have we had temperature rises that have been so large in such a short time scale. As shown by the articles previous warming and cooling can be linked to such events as the earths tilt in relation to the sun, volcanic eruptions, solar activity and other naturally occurring events which will inevitably happen again in the future but are not the cause of the current warming.
So if we know that it hasn't happened before and we know what has caused other warming events what is causing it?. So like much of science we have to look at correlations. What is changing over that past 150 years that may be causing the warming?. Again the research is is pointing to the warming effect well known as the 'Greenhouse effect'. The planets atmosphere is changing and has changed over the same time period as the warming. In a 'normal' situation the atmospheric make up of our planet remains relatively stable and therefore the global temperature remains fairly stable. Problems occur when there is an increase in these gases. Around 99% of the warming gases is water vapor. Our basic school science lessons should remind us of the planets water cycle that water evaporates from the land and seas and condenses to fall as precipitation before running back into the rivers and sea in a constant balance. The other 1% of gases aren't in balance, they simply increase and very slowly escape from the atmosphere. However on this lovely planet we have plant life that utilizes carbon dioxide through the process of Photosynthesis which can keep levels from constantly climbing.
Since the 1950's we have been sampling the atmosphere for one of these greenhouse gases to determine if levels are increasing, namely Carbon Dioxide. This research has produced what is know as the keeling curve. This shows a constant rise in levels since measurements began until present day, it is still rising. We have also been able to use ice cores to look into atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the past and this data has also been included. What we can see is that there have been times in the past that the planet has had increased carbon dioxide levels which correlated with global warm periods. This proves that an increase in carbon dioxide in atmospheric gases increases global temperatures. When cross referenced we can predict how much atmospheric carbon dioxide is needed for accurate temperature rises.
So if the carbon dioxide is rising what is causing this? Well the most obvious is we are producing more of it through use of fossil fuels, burning, plastic production etc etc, this correlates with the timeline of it's rapid increase starting from the birth of the industrial revolution. And secondly the planet's plant life isn't absorbing as much, again this is correlated with our rapid deforestation over the same timescale.
This now leads us on to question four and what is going to happen?. I believe this is almost impossible at present to answer. We have researchers using ever more elaborate climate modelling, adding more variables as we discover unanticipated effects over the decades. We are using increasing computing power and more detailed data. Up to now all we can safely say is as carbon dioxide increases temperatures will also increase. A large portion of carbon dioxide is absorbed by the sea which means that our seas are getting more acidic. This will have damaging effects on sea life. The seas of the world also act as heat sinks reducing temperature rise. Ice caps will melt increasing water volume and perhaps steadying rises at the expense of land loss. However as ice caps melt the reflective nature is gone meaning more warming effect from the Sun. As ice clears from lands permafrost becomes exposed melting and causing landslides, land loss and potentially uncovering trapped methane pockets another greenhouse gas that has many times the warming effect of carbon dioxide. There are very real dangers that although humans are responsible for causing the warming we will reach a tipping point that we cannot stop runaway warming regardless of our actions. There are potentially huge changes to land use as local weather patterns change and farming must change rapidly or we risk global food shortages. Migrations will become widespread as people lose homes to rising sea levels, flooding and crop failure. It is likely there will be casualties unless we act.
So question five. I don't believe we can stop this.This might seem a bit doom laden but as human beings we tend to be reactionary. When we see the effects with climate change it will be too late. I think we are now seeing those effects. I will in another post discuss more in depth why we have reached this point and what options are still open. What I leave you with is some cautionary words.
Climate change isn't conspiracy, it's reality. The only conspiracy behind this is the attempt to fool the masses into thinking it's a conspiracy to keep making the money from what is causing it. There is no need to have some global new world order to stop this we have the UN. This is not some population reduction scenario other than if we allow it to go unchecked that will be a foreseeable consequence. Agenda 21 has been misquoted for decades.
Club of Rome
The lobbyists and the financiers have been installing leaders sympathetic to their self interests to allow business as usual. This will carry on as long as we let it.
They have vilified and silenced scientists and the science whilst willfully obfuscating the facts.
Suppress the science
Do you really think those responsible care about you? Ask yourself why every rich individual in any way linked to fossil fuels is building bunkers or investing in private space flight.
We have always been lied to, unfortunately greed and selfishness 'TRUMPS' the facts.
Update Trump administration suppressing climate change risk
Update Shell and BP suppressing risk from shareholders.
Update The terrible truth. Latest predicted global temperature rises.
Update Last ten hottest and coldest years
Update Climate change critical thinking