Neurocam assignment 'Precautionary manoeuvres'

Well the deadline for the submission of the latest Neurocam assignment I completed has arrived. It is therefore permissible for me to divulge exactly what I did without any problems for Neurocam or myself (hopefully).
In due course I will post all the details of the many assignments I have completed over the last years involvement with Neurocam (if anybody is interested!).
As for the latest assignment it was slightly bizarre. I had to take a cryptic message and write/type this on an A4 piece of paper with the Neurocam website on the reverse. This was placed in an envelope with another cryptic name/identifier on the front. I had to take this envelope and leave it in a dead letter drop located within walking distance of a public access point (internet access). One proviso was that the location I left the envelope didn't appear to have any of the colour 'Yellow', again very odd!.
Dead letter drops have become a bit of a specialty of mine having had several Neurocam missions involving them. Unfortunately my first choice was located when I was slightly the worse for wear of alcohol many moons ago and proved impossible to use for this assignment. I did however avoid any 'tails' because of my odd meandering around Nottingham looking for a suitable site. My location was 'very' Neurocam related when I finally found it as those involved will have noticed lots of characters involved with an 'artistic flair'.
I was obviously instructed not to return to the drop unless requested and cannot divulge it's location just yet.
No bizarre occurrences regarding this though it was supposedly a 'Security' based assignment. Also unlike the normal efficiency of Neurocam it did take a while for my report receipt confirmation. Though it came from one Charles Hastings...................