I'm Back

Well I am back in blighty after a well deserved holiday visiting N.Ireland and Holland. I have done my bit for global warming with numerous Plane,train and automobile journeys . I have to say Amsterdam was a bit of a let down. It could do well to improve it's cultural side. It seems to have turned into a shoddy Disneyland for tokers and porn seekers. Great for stag weekends but little else. The Dutch residents seemed to have the same opinion as us complaining that they are overrun with drug addicts, prices have exploded since the introduction of the Euro currency and they have a very evident class divide with many Amsterdam residents struggling to make ends meet now compared to living comfortably a few years ago. Unfortunately to remove the coffee shops and red light district means economic collapse for Holland. The residents we spoke to said the red light district has been overrun by Moroccan pimps and eastern European girls, far different to say 10 years ago. The tourists also don't recognise that only cannabis is tolerated in coffee shops and constantly harass the residents for harder substances such as cocaine, ecstacy etc.
I think for my next hols I'll visit somewhere warmer too. By Jesus it was chilly. Between 2 and 5 celcius during the day and felt much colder in the wind. Some quite pretty bits though. Van Gogh museum was well worth visiting. Unfortunately everything costs in 'The Dam' including things taken for granted as free parks, public toilets, etc etc. Tourist 'Attractions' are hugely overpriced.