Hot Beers

it's been hot, damn hot in the not so green (more scorched, parched earth) land of Nottingham for the past few weeks. A brief respite a couple of days ago with some heavy thunderstorms have done little to improve my withered non drought resistant plants. Only some tropical grasses have survived the suns glare.
Now in persistent hot weather I am very partial to a beer or three, nothing can beat a freshly chilled brew as the sun beats down. Unfortunately I am constantly losing my one bottle opener and as I hate carrying big bunches of stuff on a key ring never have one of those keyfob bottle opener things. Luckily the internet has come to the rescue in the form of a German site showing me thirty two ways to open a bottle of beer, joy of joys.
I have also found a stunningly gorgeous new beer to add to my repetoire of consumed alcohol, namely Kasteel Cru, brewed with champagne yeast. Has to be served extremely cold in a chilled glass to enjoy to it's best. Slightly gimmicky with all the champagne nonsense but great with weather as hot as it gets over here.