Wind farms
Have I just seen the recent UK government announcement and draft paper on our proposed solution to our self sufficiency in future energy needs and tackling climate change. Article below.
Mixed messages really from our government, yes I'm all for wind farms, no I don't want nuclear power stations but we do require more than just a bunch of modern windmills to rely on for our energy needs but building new nuclear plants is just changing one future problem for another and I think we should look at alternatives.
It is good news that the government has finally announced the scale of the 'build' that is needed and hopefully the 'Not in my backyard' groups will finally realise it will be in ever one's back yard if we are going to make use out of wind farms. There is of course the huge risk of consequential damage and disruption to wildlife. I hope the time it has taken in studies and small scale introduction of these things that they will be sited in the least harmful way but we are reaching the point now in my humble opinion of the slippery slope. The damage was wrought years ago on our environment and if we stop all carbon emissions globally we still won't see the effect of previous emissions 'max out' for many years. It's 'the birds and fish's that may get killed by wind farms or us not having them and hate to say it but being a selfish human 'I would rather still be here thanks very much than you critters'
I still hear the ongoing 'it's all a scam' 'there is no global warming' arguments, it's an earth global climate cycle and being used as a conspiracy theory by governments to push us away from using oil. Well firstly I don't walk around with my eyes closed and certainly can see climate change happening. If this is entirely natural fine but scientifically we do know that human influence with carbon emissions isn't helping and probably accelerating this process. The effects will be potentially catastrophic for us so you need to be pretty foolhardy not to try and minimise your effect as an individual on this warming process. If it is all to get us to stop buying petrol, fine I don't drive, don't care. Those of you that do through choice or necessity you should start looking at bio fuels or alternative fuels if you must have your metal isolation booth on wheels to travel around in or seek alternative transport that is 'greener' perhaps a bike or train even a bus.....