Phone Home....
I am a bit lost at the mo due to 'accidentally' breaking my mobile phone. I say accidentally because I didn't actually do anything to break it. Unfortunately in the space of 12hrs being switched off and then on somehow the display had died so being on a contract took it off for repair/replacement.
Bummer after several days without a phone, especially as at work I am generally nowhere near a land line, nobody ever uses my home land line as they have my mobile and all my numbers being in my mobile I sort of became uncontactable. It's amazing how reliant I had become on a mundane piece of technology that I spent years avoiding owning....
The big downer tho is it isn't going to get repaired without me paying a wad of cash. And as I have no idea why it died I don't relish the idea of it breaking again and having to pay again so I'm now hunting for a new phone.....
Being on a contract and hunting new phone is arse too. I have to make sure the handset is compatible with my network and not cost a fortune. I am however tempted by one of these 'skype' compatible mobiles. Being as my home computer always has probs with skype generally as I'm totally incompetent in installing/using the software correctly.....
If I do have a skype handset free phone calls to all the people across the world that I should get around to speaking to for a giggle. Could be great fun.
I am however avoiding the whole Internet 'socialising' madness. I have used my Space mainly for music but this Face book rubbish (or FakeBook as I refer to it) is beyond the pale. It is in my humble opinion the most stupidly pointless time wasting software to be overused by a bunch of idiotic twenty somethings reliving their teenage years. FFS people I don't care that someone I went to school with twenty years ago now wants me as a freind on Facebook, I'll never call you or meet you so why do I want to know what you are doing with your life and why do you want to know about me. Purely to appear 'more popular'? And WTF is up with people that have my phone number, probably live less than a mile from me deem it a social faux pas not to be on Facebook?. Um guys ring me (when I have a phone) or pop around sometime, maybe even go to the pub for some 'Face to Face' chat and then I'll know what you have been upto. If I hear 'well you would have known if you had been on Facebook' one more time I'm starting a 'ban Fakebook' pressure group......
Rant over, back to choosing my new phone.............