
Oh Dear, poor old Gary McKinnon is probably going to be shipped off to the USA for trial fairly shortly. Personally I think this is all a bit of a whitewash by American military. They claim huge amounts of damage was done but Gary denies doing anything malicious to files, if any cost was incurred I suspect it was money spent improving their security which had been exposed as a bit lame and the obvious loss of face.
The latest developments can be seen here:-
I also thinks it's a little scary that the length of sentence he could be facing is in any way justified, Jesus 70 years or so for what?. We have muggers over here that don't get so much as a day in prison.....
I don't know if there is any way for public pressure to be put on 'the powers that be' to let him have trial or at least serve his sentence in the UK but this seems a real miscarriage of justice in the making if there was ever a case.