Educate Yourself
This site deserves a post of it's own. It is well worth looking at as it covers quite a few topic areas and is regularly updated. The articles on chem trails and orgonite are food for thought. I've had a bit of go with these funky orgonite creations. I've placed a few around my abode (you can never be too careful!) but thats about the limit of my participation. Hunted around and got hold of a 'Don Croft Zapper' too. Now these zappers are strange and I was very sceptical (my logical scientific backgound comes to the fore again!). I took it apart and it seems quite simple to make (instructions are out there on the net). I tested it on a few people and a bit of flatulance occured and the odd red mark initially that dies down after further use (palms of hands and soles of feet are the best areas to attach the conducting plates to). I can't say any immediate effects were noted but a freind who suffers from RSI swears by it.
I used my Microbiological training to test it out on bacteria 'seeded' plates (E-coli, Staph Aureus and a few others) as well as on clear plates and attached a probe to my zapper that sat on the agar plate whilst they were incubated. The results showed that it totally inhibited any new growth of bacteria in all cases. So I succeed in proving to myself something about this works. Maybe Don Croft should get me on his testing and marketing team!
But seriously if you have health issues and don't trust mainstream drug cocktail medicine look it up. After working within the Pharmaceutical industry I have first hand experience of some of the nasty things that occur 'When Drugs go bad' could be the title to my next book but people might buy it thinking it's a story about recreational drugs.....................
This site deserves a post of it's own. It is well worth looking at as it covers quite a few topic areas and is regularly updated. The articles on chem trails and orgonite are food for thought. I've had a bit of go with these funky orgonite creations. I've placed a few around my abode (you can never be too careful!) but thats about the limit of my participation. Hunted around and got hold of a 'Don Croft Zapper' too. Now these zappers are strange and I was very sceptical (my logical scientific backgound comes to the fore again!). I took it apart and it seems quite simple to make (instructions are out there on the net). I tested it on a few people and a bit of flatulance occured and the odd red mark initially that dies down after further use (palms of hands and soles of feet are the best areas to attach the conducting plates to). I can't say any immediate effects were noted but a freind who suffers from RSI swears by it.
I used my Microbiological training to test it out on bacteria 'seeded' plates (E-coli, Staph Aureus and a few others) as well as on clear plates and attached a probe to my zapper that sat on the agar plate whilst they were incubated. The results showed that it totally inhibited any new growth of bacteria in all cases. So I succeed in proving to myself something about this works. Maybe Don Croft should get me on his testing and marketing team!
But seriously if you have health issues and don't trust mainstream drug cocktail medicine look it up. After working within the Pharmaceutical industry I have first hand experience of some of the nasty things that occur 'When Drugs go bad' could be the title to my next book but people might buy it thinking it's a story about recreational drugs.....................