Neurocam assignment 8063/01(A)

Well here is the details of the 'last' Neurocam assignment I received (which I have subsequently completed). As I finished this one quite quickly I was assigned another assignment to be completed in the same timeframe. I will post details of that assignment as I can. I wonder if any other operatives have received more than one assignment reqularly?. As you can see from this e-mail the 'assignments' are a bit 'weird'.

Dear Operative,Here are the details of your next Neurocam Assignment.NEUROCAM ASSIGNMENT NCI - 8063/01(A) CONTEXT "There is another city all around us, he told me. We can't see it, but there are ways into it. There is no way back. Anyone who boards a certain ferry or walks down a certain street or enters a certain building or goes through a certain door disappears forever into that other city."Michael Dibdin (writing about Venice), "Ratking", Faber Books(B) EXECUTION Your assignment is this: Find an entrance to that other city. Don't waste yours or our time with accounts of your favorite bookstore, or the cafe where you buy the best latte. It must be a genuine portal to that other city.Photograph the entrance. Write the address, followed by 250 - 500 words describing what might be found if one were to pass through the entrance.Submit this in the form of a report to CENSORED. (C) OPERATIONAL SECURITYNeurocam International is aware that many operatives publicly discuss and relate their Neurocam experiences via online forums and web journals.Operatives are permitted to continue this practice, but are strictly forbidden from revealing the exact details of this assignment until after its completion date. Any operative found doing so will suffer immediate expulsion from Neurocam.Operatives are, however, permitted to reveal that they have received a new assignment. In addition, operatives may also reveal that their assignmenthas “something to do with entrances”. If you have any doubts about what is allowed under this clause, please contact the Operations Division beforepublication.(D) TIMELINE The time restrictions of Neurocam’s ongoing operations dictate thatNeurocam Assignment NCI - 8063/01 must be completed by close of businessWednesday June 15, 2005.Regards,Charles Hastings Head, Operations Division Neurocam International

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