NAIL protest

I'm not really much of a protester. No really I'm not!. I complain and moan and winge as I'm British and that's what we do best but I've had to send some letters out to protest about the planned expansion of a ruddy big incinerater near my house. In an era where we are suppossed to be increasing recycling and combating global warming this is utter madness.
This stupid great chimney is going to be pumping out crud over me and my neighbours and the waste isn't even all from Nottingham. It's being imported from surrounding regions as this makes money for the owners(yes it's not owned by the council another private company).
Anyway I've fired off a couple of letters to my local MP and the Chief planning officer to moan as the planning application is being discussed soon. Those who live in the Nottingham area should check out the protest group involved in this. These poor blighters are getting harrassed by the police for hanging banners around the area to raise awareness. I think it's because the police like harrassing hippies!.