' Things that go bump in the labs.....'

I'm getting a little freaked out today. It's the Easter break at college so I'm wandering around the labs doing the termly chores of cleaning the labs from top to bottom while I can get in them without classes. There are relativly few people in but enough to realise you arn't on your own. I've been here this morning with one other tech and merrily doing the rounds.
Now I'm not a total believer in ghosts or spirits but I wouldn't dismiss anything out of hand either but I have had a few weird events happen to me over the past couple of months whilst working here today's of which was really bizzare.
As I said I have been cleaning the labs. Whilst in one of the labs, head in cupboard wiping down shelves I heard the door open, clambering out no one was there. I assumed my fellow techie Nikki had opened the door and dissapeared off as if she had forgotten something. The door sounded (MY HEAD WAS IN THE CUPBOARD AT THE TIME!) as if it had only just opened and closed rapidly. Thinking nothing of it I went back to work only for it to sound as if it was opening again. I looked up fully expecting to see Nikki or someone else and nobody was there. No one hiding in the room and mucking about. Anyway slightly confused I walked over to the door and suddenly realised nobody was in the corridor (it's a bit of a walk to the exits from the corridor) and all the doors in the corridor have had security punch locks fitted recently so only a member of staff could open the door anyway. In the case of our lab that is myself or Nikki and all our other staff are on Holiday.
Suffice to say I went back to our office which was locked with no Nikki about so I went outside and had a fag (to supress the nerves) and saw nikki returning from the shops, she hadn't been in the building!.
In a normal life this would be just odd but another odd event happened a few months prior to this, just as I was leaving our office a felt a tug on my labcoat. A heavy I can't move forward pull as if I had caught my labcoat on a doorhandle or piece of furniture. When I looked around it wasn't caught on anything and I was the only person in the office. I subsequently asked around the staff as to any odd events and the older techies mentioned hearing footsteps on our floor regularly during the holidays when nobody else was either on the floor in question and in some cases they where the only person in the building!.
I NEED GHOSTBUSTERS, (or maybe that Derek bloke off Most Haunted.)
I've decided not to venture back to that lab today and as I'm now getting a bit high from furniture polish thats probably the best bet to avoid halucinating ghosts or something....