V for Virus's

Bah, after having a relatively fine time without getting myself infected with nasty Trojans and virus's I got 'lurgied' on the work computer. This was hugely embarrassing as the work anti-virus software chugged into overdrive stopping a whole variety of automatic downloads with files like 'teen3' and young8. I work in a college this sorta stuff is gonna get mightily frowned upon......

No idea what happened, one minute I was happily reading some article on esoteric dream patterns and the next minute a whole host of alarm bells started going off.....

At least the anti-virus software was doing it's job but I now have these automatic download files in quarantine complete with embarrassing titles...... Strange as I have used the sites in the past with no problems and haven't been downloading anything. Just heading to the site seemed to cause the flood of goodness knows what oooerr.

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