
No I haven't died, no I haven't been abducted by aliens, no the 'men in black' didn't catch me, no I haven't been fired, no Kiera Knightly still refuses to answer my calls, no I'm not in a padded cell, no I didn't attempt a JFK style assination of my footy teams rubbish manager after relegation and finally no I haven't been locked in an Austrian cellar for, um several weeks......

I'm back! ish. Well its exam time and exams mean I have to do a bit of stress and work for all our lovely staff and pupils which gets in the way of my 'real' mission out there in the webbyverse. No real updates but the recent UFO files released by the British Government was amusing, no 'real' surprises but a step in the right direction I suppose.

I have had a few 'interesting' stories of note I will be updating you with over the next few weeks, so like a bad soap opera, stay tuned for the next installment. Oh and a confession of sorts I got all 'fakebooked' at and got all these peeps I haven't seen in ages out there how strange. Could do with 'new' strange people but that's life.

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