The King is dead, long live the king....
Sad news that Albert Hofmann has died at the ripe old age of 102. For the uninitiated (where have you been a freakin cave numpty!) my 'anti-hero' scientist was Dr Hofmann creator (albeit by accident) of LSD. His sad passing (though he had a good innings especially considering some of the dosages of hallucinogenics over the years) got me thinking of of my teenage experimentation (though some say I still haven't grown up yet...) and remembering 'borrowing' a child's bike and riding about three miles including an incredibly steep hill. Knowing nothing about it until finding the bike the following day in my front room when I recovered, oh and several bottles of whiskey....
Oh and the odd episode of overcoming my inherent fear of heights and spending an afternoon climbing trees and any inanimate object more than 6 feet of the ground. I reckon Dr Hofmann may have been onto something when he reckoned LSD could be used to 'cure' mental illness and ailments such as alcoholism. Certainly made me loose some phobias over the years.
I do like the way he always viewed LSD as his 'Problem child'. I always viewed myself as the states 'problem child' too he he.
Well RIP Dr Hofmann I'm sure your legacy will carry on being a source of fascination for enlightening minds in many generations to come.