Global 'Smokescreen'

Some of you may be aware of the 'chemtrail' debate that has been 'trailing' around for a good few years. Briefly this 'conspiracy theory' regards the debate on contrails vs chemtrails from airplanes and the effect on our upper atmosphere from this.
Without spending too long summarizing (as you can all google chemtrails) there seems to be consensus that some type of pollutants are being dispersed knowingly or not across our skies. This could be the effect of aviation fuel pollutants becoming more and more of an issue with increased flights globally or a more deliberate attempt as some suggest to 'pollute' our upper atmosphere.
Should our atmosphere be subjected to this what likely long term affect will it have?. Is it increasing global warming?. Is it having the reverse effect i.e. 'global dimming' and helping offset global warming?. If it is deliberate, is it to aid us or a darker more insidious population killer?.
Either which way there are plenty of arguments out there but what seems to have been missing is the scientific community or governments acknowledging that chemtrails exist and are not contrails (naturally forming condensation trails from aircraft that disperse rapidly).
Imagine my surprise then to find this article, link below :-
Hmm I'll have to check what our new revised GCSE syllabus books will have in them!.