Mommy never said war was like this.........

Well after a couple of weeks faffing with drivers, software patches, firewalls and microphone headset thingies I have finally started muckin about online with Battlefield2. I think the technical term is 'Cannon Fodder'. I have seen my computer sprite alter ego soldier be killed in a succession of mildly amusing to downright annoying ways.
For those of you who want to duff me up to add insult to injury my nickname is 'Firechild1974'. I am normally found lying face up bleeding with sand being kicked in my face.....
I thought after a series of deaths whilst trapping to some flag or other that I may be safer in some sort of vehicle. Not the best of plans learning to drive whilst attempt to outrun tanks, dodge hellfire missiles and kamikaze grenade lobbing ninja's (you know who you are!). I was no better in the air managing to crash several helichoppers before giving up. I think I'll hang around as a engineer/support/medic type as at least I might be a bit more use in a squad.....
Thank you Laz for destroying my faith in pacifism everywhere.............