Lost - The Hanso Foundation

For those of you that watched Lost last night did you take note of the advert for the Hanso Foundation. YOU DIDN'T shame on you.............
Anyway check out http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/L/lost/blog/hansorelease.doc
Which will lead you here
This site is linked to the series and is a global sort of marketing/puzzle/game linked to the show.
Anyways if you get to the site go to the newsletter signup and use the password
'breaking strain'
After this you should get access as the user Persephone and can explore the site a bit. Lots of clues to be uncovered and some shows that give some insights into what is happening in the show such as some letters explaining a problem with some genetic research and so forth (quarantined bunkers anyone?) .
Also the UNFICTION ARG site have got a topic with people busily playing as we speak.