Balls to it.....

Football Mania, yes it's been a couple of weeks of football madness with the World Cup in Germany reaching it's conclusion over the next week or so. Never in the entire history of my football watching life have I crammed in so many games in such a short time. I never thought it would come to this but I feel sick watching the game now. My wife of course is overjoyed by this but I blame boring games. So many games have been well and truly rubbish, both teams playing defense rather than attack and ultimately terrified of losing.
The games that were entertaining up to this stage were only due to violence erupting on the pitch with loads of players being sent off. Hardly a good advert for the game on the world stage really. Now I should be well used to rubbish football being a Leicster City supporter for years and have the unenviable honour of being half German which means watching dire German teams over the years as well as dire English ones but it's a nightmare in England if you like football but have divided loyalties as far as teams go.
I am sure my normally quite open minded friends have become racist overnight and zealously hide their football watching plans during England games lest an 'outsider' infiltrate their nationalistic, tribal gathering. Surprisingly watching the German team this year has been more entertaining than England games for quality football. I have to somehow sneak away from the workplace today to see the game. This is something England fans take for granted with TV's being provided in workplaces and employers letting their staff go early for the game. Any other teams supporters in this country have to take their chances ' You want to watch the what game?, Germany, are you some sort of Kraut?' 'Actually I'm half German which most people realise from the surname!' 'Oh, well I'm sorry your out of luck, but if you want to see the England game....'
Anyway Germany take on the might of Argentina this afternoon and England take on Portugal tomorrow so that might mean both teams out in quick succession then, my wife will be even happier.....