Mayday Mystery revisited

Many years ago I came across a reference to the 'Mayday Mystery' sometime in the late eighties early nineties I recall having found it referred to in 'The Fortean Times' (I was reading all sorts of mystery, conspiracy stuff even back in my early teens which may explain a lot!).
Anyway I have been killing a bit of time and researching topics for the plot behind the novel I will eventually compile (due to hit the shelves late 2025 or so!) and came across it again. I was quite surprised to find the 'Mystery' is still occurring with adverts appearing every 1st May in the student newspaper 'The Arizona Wildcat'.
I have included a link on this page to a fairly comprehensive website that has all the adverts and a fairly comprehensive musing and puzzle solving of many of the cryptic clues contained within them.
What did reignite my interest was the coincidence that much of the literature referred to was referred to whilst I was messing around with the Neurocam. In many ways both seem very similar and it could well be Neurocam copied many of the 'Mayday Mystery' style of intrigue. Anyway for those interested in taking a look I have reproduced a copy of the 1st May 2006 advert as a starting point. It's amazing the amount of weirdness I have distracting me whilst I aimlessly surf these days......