Lies and 'that' memo

We have all heard it from numerous sources that we were all lied to as to the real intentions to got to war with Iraq whether it be American or British lies it was all a load of Bull***t. Whatever the real reasons the amount of different and subsequent reasons for war that were banded out were astonishing in the lack of respect for intelligence they gave to the public. We are not all stupid and unthinking. We can all smell a rat now and again from both politicians and media.
We know most politicians are not the most truthful and often lie blatantly or not so blatantly. But when it comes to matters such as war we want to know the real reasons and a bit of honesty. If Tony Blair had said Saddam is a bad dude that needs getting rid of, fine but do you have to invade a country to do it?. And don't leave that until the last reason for war because all the other scaremongering of WMD's and Terrorism have been seen through, because it makes you look really foolish. If it is for oil fine, tell us we are doing this because we are greedy t***s and need the oil as we made a mess of are power/transport policies and this will solve the issue.
Fine but couldn't you have got rid of Saddam, installed a puppet ruler and secured supplies on the cheap with a few backhanders to government officials. I would rather have seen a little dodgy dealing and one leader done away with than mass slaughter in a country.
Was it to open a frontline on terrorism?. We need to keep the populations of our countries a bit scared and we don't have enough 'real' terrorists out there so this will stir things up a bit?. You madmen, don't you realise that to stop terrorism much like any wars there has to be dialogue between the factions at some point to cease hostilities. Going and invading countries without sanction will create a superpower of terrorists globally were no country will be able to defend itself regardless. How about asking a few simple questions such as 'Why doesn't Osama bin whatsit like us, what are his issues, how can we resolve this for the benefit of all. Gerry Adams is now a politician, so is Martin McGuiness both terrorists not so many years ago, both now working for the good of a country they have been fighting over against the British government. Is it so hard to imagine other terrorists cannot have dialogue?
Anyway here is a link to many of the lies and I suggest that this gets posted everywhere that we can so there is no running away from the issue.