
That time of year again folks when the big band of leaders from those 'ruling elite' countries get together to determine how the world should work (for them) to a mass of protests from the populations they are supposed to represent.

As normal little in the way of media coverage as to why the people are actually protesting but lots of footage of riot police and water cannons spraying the 'yobbos'. Very little coverage on what actually gets discussed too but a few sensationalist snippets depending on your country of origin of how bad the politics are of 'such and such a leader'.

Reporting from the event are indymedia which are giving a clear story as to what is happening and when as far as protests, police reactions and some information about the issues they are protesting against.

I wish all the protesters the best of luck in trying to highlight some of the main global issues but fear that no matter how many protesters there will always be more police/army to protect these 'ruling elite' having their little get together. What would be far better is to start a constant protest by camping outside no10 or the whitehouse enmasse for months like the 'orange revolution' and see what occurs rather than waiting to the G8 for the annual summer protest.... Maybe that's why we have an exclusion zone around the houses of Parliament now....

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