Transformers 'robots that sort of look like robots all the time'
Whoop, getting very excited about the soon to be released new Transformers film. They were pretty cool toys with silly cartoon to boot 'back in the day' and having recently seen the cinema trailer for the new film it's going to be lots of glorious Hollywood special effects nonsense.
I have been remembering all the silliness of my Transformers toys being a bit like Rubik's cubes, as in being a spazzy handed child having no patience could never get them to 'Transform' properly and breaking them into a thousand pieces at the drop of a hat.....
I also have fond memories of the cartoon that appeared that gave the whole story so we could demand our parents bought us the latest new toy as it appeared. Transformers T-Shirt at the ready (ta Jo) here is a little prelude homage to Transformers as it should have been.... Oh and those offended by rudeness and the minor swearword should turn away now, enjoy.