Memory lane
I had a little 'jolt' from the past on hearing the band 'The Police' are due to play at Stormont in Northern Ireland. For those a little unfamiliar Strormont is the home of the NI political assembly and has quite big grounds but even so there are still concerns this may be too small for the crowds.
Hopefully most people will be well aware of the political history and the sectarian violence in the province over the years but my reason for posting this is a particular song that 'The Police' will be playing that was banned on the airwaves during the troubles along with it's accompanying video (see below). It was eerie watching this as any one of the children could have been me on those streets, how times change for the better. In no way though would I wish for a different upbringing sometimes the experiences of some mean streets with the naivety of childhood make us what we are and a population what it is.
Hopefully most people will be well aware of the political history and the sectarian violence in the province over the years but my reason for posting this is a particular song that 'The Police' will be playing that was banned on the airwaves during the troubles along with it's accompanying video (see below). It was eerie watching this as any one of the children could have been me on those streets, how times change for the better. In no way though would I wish for a different upbringing sometimes the experiences of some mean streets with the naivety of childhood make us what we are and a population what it is.