Found an article that interested me here:-
Having had the whole 'It's good to talk ' over the years and being a fairly quiet contemplative individual never really felt comfortable with expressing emotional discourse to the masses in some collective 'healing' process. I always thought my personal psychological make up was more suited to just dealing with it and moving on. Seems I may have been right....
'If the assumption about the necessity of expression is correct -- that failing to express one's feelings indicates some harmful repression or other pathology -- then people who chose not to express should have been more likely to experience negative mental and physical health symptoms over time, the researchers point out. "However, we found exactly the opposite: people who chose not to express were better off than people who did choose to express," Seery says. Moreover, when the researchers looked only at people who chose to express their thoughts and feelings, and tested the length of their responses, they found a similar pattern. People who expressed more were worse off than people who expressed less. "We assessed various alternative explanations in secondary analyses, but nothing else accounts for this effect," Seery says. '