AV vote

'If voting changed anything they would vote it illegal'
As you probably are aware us UK peeps got to vote for a change to the voting system recently. The 'Alternative Vote' was a way of making the voting system more 'representitive' of peoples views of who they have in government as oppossed to our 'First past the post' system.
The vote itself being a pre condition of the liberal party forming a coalition government with the Conseratives but lets be honest, what a complete sham and shambles this has been.
Firstly let me make it clear I have always voted Liberal for a couple of reasons. The first was they were the only mainstream political party that wanted a change to the voting system in the form of proportional representation. I don't believe that PR will make a huge difference to the system but at least it could be a small step to 'Democracy' which is sadly lacking in any voting system that favours two mainstream parties. AV was never going to benefit anything as a 'watered down' version of PR and after the fear mongering propaganda regarding it in the media and a large, fully justified backlash against the Liberal party for abanding all thier manifesto and policies (unsurprising in the least....) it was voted against by two thirds of the british public (well those that bothered to get themselves to a voting booth ....).
Secondly despite being fully aware regardless who I vote for the same agenda will run it's course in government regardless of which colour happens to be be at number 10 it's a case of 'use it or lose it' in my view regarding the right to vote. If there comes a point when turnout is so low we well may find ourselves being told who is running the country without a say, even though we could well have been sleepwalking into that situation already.
So how do we move forward when the public now are probably perceiving any change in the voting system as akin to Hitler getting into power through the back door or the Taliban in local councils.... I suggest we push more for the 'none of the above' campaigns which although have had limited sucess in the past seem the only logical way of showing disapproval but not being one of the silent masses next time any of us have to vote on anything.