Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Very strange news regarding the arrest of Mr Strauss. My initial thoughts are that this whole scenario is very suspect and reeks of 'set up'. The allegations of sexual assault are serious and any potential suspect accused of this should be detained but the amount of information being leaked to the media seems like both a 'smear campaign' and with his detainment in a pretty notorious prison complex without bail 'punishment before conviction'.
I was wondering how easy it would be to abscond being so well known and with the media glare focused on you if accused of such crimes, this being the reason for bail refusal?. Highly unlikely I imagine, certainly the first thing to be seized by the authorities would be a passport and perhaps putting him under house arrest pending trial would be the more humane option until proven guilty or otherwise being a foreign national?
Regardless of the accusations the timing is what has rung alarm bells for me. Minutes before leaving a hotel for meetings in Europe that include the possible 'de-valuing' of the Dollar and the Euro being placed as 'first choice' currency seems a good enough reason for me that the American authorities may be miffed and want to disrupt this. Secondly in France he is viewed as the next Premier running high in the polls ahead of an unpopular incumbent Sarkozy. Perhaps the shady NWO would rather have the French midget stay another term? Or maybe realising that Sarkozy is never going to win want the way clear for 'their' choice which could even be the extreme 'right wing' candidate (might be Le Pen's daughter Mariane Le Pen or something....)
As a coincedental aside my mother happens to live in an apartment next door to what used to be Le Pen's office's in Nice, they have been empty since the previous close election but do sport a couple of bullet holes in the window such was the displeasure of the local populace to his possible election! Nice residential area too so French passions must run high.....
Finally who is the mystery maid making the allegations? Seems dubious the media can get all the coverage they want of the accused but not the accuser/victim. Surely they would want to at least release a statement.
How long before Strauss has an 'accident' awaiting trial and the maid 'disappears'.......