Dusty corners of the web

Greetings and salutations my little munchkins, it's been a while since I brushed off the cobwebs of my keyboard around this neck of the woods and would be sort of shocked if anybody realised I was back to give my unique perspective on all things bizzare in the big round orb we float around on.
If I'm totally honest I would be glad if most of the people that logged on here have buggered off to harass somebody else and got on with their mundane hubdrub lives so I can get down to the nitty gritty of what I've been doing the past couple of years away from typing away my meanderings here.
Firstly a few shouts out to the cyber folks that have enlightened, instructed, amused, and fed me with banter you may be faceless and remain nameless but many thanks. As for topics to start discussing here jezz there is soooooo much after a long break. I'll try over the next few weeks to look at politics, religion, breaking science, skepticism and rational discourse with a healthy dose of cynical humour.
Hugs to all but before I depart did I mention that Osama Bin Lama has been 'taken out' and there was I under the impression he died years ago and had stunt doubles.