Sadiq and Elle
As expected pretty much every man and his dog wants to have a say on the Trump visit but I found this 'Pro-Life' video from London Mayor Sadiq Khan for Elle particularly galling.
The link to the video is here:
Now I'm happy for criticism to be leveled at any individual where justified and would actively encourage it but what I find distasteful is hypocrisy in all it's forms. Sadiq I fear should refrain from attacking Trump regarding the abortion issue and the banning of abortions in several US states when we have exactly the same issue in the UK. That is correct, the same inequalities regarding freedom of choice for women and abortion rights dependent on where they live within the UK.
Let me explain.
As far as I can tell Sadiq lives in the UK rather than cloud cuckoo land but seems blind to this issue when it comes to telling another countries president how to run their country. This is one reason why I don't think I would like him running mine. We have several countries that make up the United Kingdom, England, Wales Scotland and N Ireland. In three of the four countries abortion is a legal right of women, in one country it is not. I don't see Sadiq Khan discussing this. The fact is for decades women from N Ireland have been unable to seek an abortion in N. Ireland and have had to travel to the rest of the UK to seek potentially a 'back street abortion' that Sadiq seems to think is a thing of the past.
Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house ( despite it being a nice looking glass house) Sadiq and solve the inequality issues on your own doorstep before being overly critical of another country.