Whoops Apocalypse

So it's a while since I spotted and paid attention to any Apocalyptic disaster scenarios as climate change seems to be the only 'mainstream news' worthy of a disaster scenarios topic. I was however reminded of something that happened back in early February 2019 regarding the US unilaterally withdrawing itself from the Intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. This is in response to accusations that Russia is in breach of the treaty.It should be mentioned China which has refused as yet to sign would also be in breach based on it's present estimated Nuclear arsenal.

The Financial Times report


It all seemed to go quiet then I spotted a recent video from Vladamir Putin addressing his concerns on RT.

There are several dimensions to this firstly almost as introduction he confirms climate change concerns are worth addressing including human emissions. I had always wanted to know if Vladimir had different views on this to Donald Trump.

It does appear a little disconcerting that there appears to be no negotiating on this issue at present. My concern would be that it would be foolish to pull out of the agreement without thinking you had an ace to play to counter escalation of these arms by Russia and even China. For example some form of defense that would render the nukes obsolete in an arms race? Perhaps Star Wars lasers in space. Perhaps reverse engineered alien gizmo's, maybe even some crazy EMP weapon that would fry them on the launch pad.

No in all likelihood we have a complete diplomatic feck up via an ill thought out brinkmanship by egotistical buffoons advised by blundering and pandering advisers. I don't like how this could play out.

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