Birthday Silliness

It was my Birthday over the weekend. I have reached the remarkably old 32 years of age. I want to express a wholehearted thank you to everyone who plied me with alcohol and prezzies over the past couple of days. I am sure I wasn't too annoyingly drunk though I do have vague recolections of singing which is quite embarrassing but not unusual. I big thank you to Larry for buying the biggest round of the evening 9 TVR's I recall (Just!), the customers of my local late night booze stop for being super great and giving a tenner in assorted change to pay for the large bottle of Jack Daniels. My super wife for baking a scrummy cake and generally being super. Annie ball for travelling all the way back from Australia (actually I think she had to anyway!) Rob and Nikki for silly card and Jo for the rough guide to conspiracie theories (I may actually know what I'm talking about after reading that one!) as well as all the other cool prezzies. Thanks to everyone for pretending to be rubbish at music trivia so I didn't come last and all Jo's friends in the pub just for being in the pub and making it look like I had more friends!.
Cheers all!