Iran a solution?
by Justin Walker
The Alternative Media has seen over the last few months a series of predictions and detailed scenarios concerning the likely immediate fate of Iran. Talk of pre-emptive strikes by Israel on Iran's nuclear programme, followed up by a strategic bombing assault by America (possibly using tactical nuclear weapons) and then a mass retaliation by Iran's surviving armed forces, has seen an American aircraft carrier sunk, the US Fifth Fleet in disarray, thousands of US and Iranian servicemen killed, the collapse of the US dollar and radioactive clouds heading towards the Indian sub-continent.
Now, I'm not saying that this couldn't happen - and we do know that the global agenda for a fascist One World Government, which is being actively carried out slowly but surely by an elite network of NeoConservative/Illuminati/Zionist secret societies, will eventually need to see the demotion of the United States from the world's only super-power to that of an ordinary team player in the coming New World Order - but I just feel that there may be a different series of events that will take us all by surprise and which will be largely believed and probably welcomed by the unsuspecting peoples of the world.
One thing is almost certain. Like what happened to the poor people of Afghanistan and Iraq, an engineered storm is about to be unleashed by a cabal of criminals onto the innocent people of Iran - and I emphasise that word ‘innocent’ because overwhelmingly ordinary Iranians just want to lead normal peaceful lives and do not feel hatred towards other cultures and beliefs. But before taking you through what I believe is a very possible and realistic scenario which not only deals effectively with the nuclear issue, but will also tick many of the other boxes as well, it is important that some little-known background information is explained in detail which I think will clarify and hopefully persuade you, the reader, towards my way of thinking.
The U.S. Military Last year in August, we had the strange affair of the sudden dismissal of a four star general. General Kevin P. Byrnes was relieved for possible sexual misconduct but anonymous sources close to the military believe he was part of a U.S. military faction discontented with the Bush administration’s war policies in Iraq and the increasing likelihood of a contrived and bloody conflict with Iran. People tend to forget that the one, two, three and four star generals of today in the American Army probably fought as young officers and soldiers in Vietnam. They probably had friends killed and maimed - they certainly witnessed the humiliation felt by the military as America withdrew from South Vietnam and had to withstand the stigma of being seen to lose the war. Over the next three decades these officers rebuilt the prestige and morale of the American Army but now all their good work is apparently being undone on the streets of Baghdad. How do these officers feel when they know that their Commander in Chief, the U.S. President, and the Vice President, both used their influential families and contacts to avoid serving on active duty in Vietnam? And how do they feel when they know that whilst the war in Iraq is far from won, these two cowards in the White House, along with their neocon cronies, are now engineering an even bigger war with Iran?
The answer has to be there is a lot of disquiet within the military about what is happening, especially when some of the senior figures in the U.S. military probably know that the official story of 9/11 is not true and that it was nothing but a false flag operation to justify the neocon’s ambitious agenda as highlighted by the Project for a New American Century. To counter this disquiet, the neocons know that if the senior military are to be kept on board and loyal to the administration, an alternative plan for dealing with Iran must be drawn up that does not involve an all out war. Indeed, it must be a plan that plays very much on Iran's weaknesses. And the three greatest weaknesses that the Islamic Republic of Iran has are that its decision making is extremely centralised based on Tehran; that the educated middle classes and students, as well as four ethnic minority groups, are growing very tired and weary of living in a strict Islamic state and would welcome a more moderate, secular and democratic form of government; and the third weakness definitely not lost on the planners is Iran's geophysical vulnerability. The City of Tehran.
Tehran sits on one major and two minor fault lines and is home to more than 12 million people, but few of the buildings have been made to withstand even an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale. What follows are opinions from three leading Iranian seismologists: " Tehran must be rebuilt to withstand earthquakes; if not it should be moved," says Dr Bahram Akasheh, a geophysicist at Tehran University. "Either we have to put up with millions of dead, millions of injured, or we need to move the capital somewhere else and take steps to decrease the population here and make Tehran more resistant to earthquakes," he warns. According to Dr Akasheh's calculations, there is a 90% chance of an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale hitting Tehran and a 50% chance of an earthquake measuring 7.5 striking the capital. "Activation of Tehran's faultlines will also herald one of the strongest earthquakes ever seen in the world," said the Head of Tehran Earthquake Research Center, Farid Mahdian. "In general", he says, "the southern part of the capital city is particularly vulnerable to tremors due to the existence of soft ground, high buildings and population density, and narrow and congested streets". Head of the International Seismographic Research Center affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Mohsen Ghafouri Ashtiyani said that according to specialized studies, the faultlines around Tehran are sliding and gathering energy and there is a strong likelihood of an earthquake striking the Iranian capital. "On the basis of the studies, the probability of a quake above seven degrees on the Richter scale in the next 10 years currently stands at 65 percent and this is expected to increase with the passing of time," he said. To summarise, Tehran is viewed by the international community of seismologists as being, like San Francisco and Tokyo, a city waiting for the inevitable 'big one'.
Iran's earthquake faults Artificially-induced Earthquakes. Former Secretary of Defense ( USA) William S. Cohen was quoted as saying at a conference in April 1997, "Others are engaging even in an ecotype of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves". When you read about the brilliant 20th century scientist and inventor, Nikola Tesla, and realise that his incredible research (on free energy amongst other things) has been largely suppressed by those who do not have our best interests at heart, you start to realise very quickly that there is an awful lot going on in the laboratories belonging to the military industrial complex that we will probably never know about. Having set off some spectacular but very localised tremors in and around his laboratory, Tesla discovered that man-made earthquakes could be triggered by finding and using the correct resonant vibration of the earth. In the July 11 1935 issue of the New York American an article entitled 'Tesla's Controlled Earthquakes' reported that Tesla's "experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the Earth - called by him "the art of telegeodynamic" - were roughly described by the scientists as a sort of controlled earthquake". The article went on to say "The rhythmical vibrations pass through the Earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects.
The invention could be used with destructive effect in war." In an Arctic compound 450 kilometres east of Anchorage, Alaska, the Pentagon has erected a powerful transmitter designed to beam more than a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Known as Project HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the experiment involves the world’s largest "ionospheric heater," a device designed to zap the skies hundreds of kilometres above the Earth with high-frequency radio waves.
Ever since the existence of HAARP became public, a number of independent researchers have warned the operation has a secret agenda including weather modification, mind control, hi-tech military experiments, and the triggering of earthquakes. HAARP transmissions may also be used for the detection and monitoring of electromagnetic or "plasma" phenomena, precursors of seismic activity and tectonic movement. Researchers believe HAARP transmissions are actually being used to activate or trigger exactly the same electromagnetic conditions that can cause tectonic movement. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has troubled a number of researchers who believe that the actual earthquake itself that triggered the giant waves might just have been as a direct result of some top secret military nuclear testing in the waters of the Indian Ocean. Certainly scientists have been shocked to find eleven months later a 'dead zone' devoid of life at the epicentre of the quake, four kilometres beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. A scientist working on the Census of Marine Life Project, Ron O'Dor, of Dalhousie University in Canada is reported as saying "You'd expect a site like this to be quickly re-colonised, but that hasn't happened. It's unprecedented." As I have already pointed out, Tehran is situated on three tectonic fault lines and is expecting a major earthquake in the foreseeable future. Americans have easy access to nearly all of the countries surrounding Iran.
Nobody knows for certain what the black arts of science are capable of but the triggering of these tectonic plates beneath Tehran would appear to be quite feasible when you consider that it was 1935 that Tesla was meeting with success with his experiments. Khuzestan - the former autonomous Arab province of Ahwaz. The Ahwazi Arab Nation was admitted as a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) in 2003. According to the UNPO's website the Ahwazi people in Iran’s south western Khuzestan province are suffering severely under the Islamic Republic of Iran's regime with reports last year of repressive and violent measures being taken against Ahwazi dissidents. It has also been reported that Ahwazi children, unlike other children in Iran, are suffering from severe malnutrition. UNPO's profile of the Ahwazi Arab Nation reads as follows: History: Ahwaz used to be an autonomous Arab territory that had its own ruler, Shaykh Khazal, until he was deposed in 1925 by Persian General Reza Khan, who went on to become king of Iran. Ahwaz gradually lost its political, economic and cultural independence when it was completely annexed by Reza Shah Pahlavi, who forcefully took over Ahwaz. Before Iran annexed Ahwaz, the Persians referred to the region as Arabistan (signifying the territory's Arab character). After its annexation, the central government changed the territory's name to Khuzestan. Since 1925, Ahwaz, or Khuzestan, is a province that lies in southwest Iran, bordering Iraq, Kuwait and the Persian Gulf. Ahwaz is now the name of the province's capital, used by Persians and Arabs alike. However, Persians refer to the province as Khuzestan, while Arabs still refer to the province as Ahwaz (or Al-Ahwaz in the Arabic language). Ahwaz is very rich in oil and natural resources. However, the Ahwazi people do not benefit from the riches of their own land. Our people deserve to benefit from the wealth generated by the resources on their own lands. The only "benefits" they receive is a terribly polluted environment resulting from a mismanaged oil industry and the diversion of oil wealth to Tehran.
The quality of the drinking water and irrigation water is poor due to an inadequate sewage system and industrial contamination, primarily from the sugar cane plants. This problem is exacerbated by the diversion of water out of Ahwaz to other parts of Iran and the sale of Ahwaz's water to the Gulf States by the Iranian government.The confiscation of Arab-owned land by the Iranian government has been an established policy since 1925. The lands are typically given over to non-Arab settlers and used by the government as new construction sites. No matter who is in charge in Tehran, be it Reza Shah, his son, Mohammad Reza Shah, or the heads of the Islamic Republic, the same undemocratic policy has always been pursued toward the national and religious minorities in Iran, and in particular, toward the Arab people of Ahwaz.In recent years, self-awareness and the growth of the Ahwazi Arab national movement have been on the rise. This is a reality that cannot be ignored when dealing with the issues of freedom and democracy in Iran and the Middle East at large, particularly in the Gulf region. Due to its fertile land, numerous rivers, and vast oil reserves, Ahwaz has the resources to sustain itself and generate significant income from oil and agricultural exports. Bordering Iraq, Kuwait, and the Persian Gulf, Ahwaz weighs in heavily in geopolitical balance of the Middle East. Geographical features:Area: About 69,000 square kilometres. Boundaries from the North, mountains of Lurestan and Kurdistan, from the East and Southeast Zagrus Mountains, from south Dashtestan and the Gulf, from the West Iraq, South and Southwest is the Gulf and the Shat-el-Arab Waterway.Ahwaz (Arabistan) or Khuzestan is strategically located on the northern tip of the Gulf and the Shatt-al Arab waterway. It sits atop of vast mineral resources including a reserve of over 40 billion barrels of oil and 210 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is the second largest known oil and gas reserves in the world. The land produces 3-5---5 million barrels of oil per day, or 20% of OPEC's daily production (my emphasis).Population and Culture:The population is estimated to be between 4 and 6 million. The U.S. State Department 2002 Human Rights Report estimates the Ahwazi Arabs in Iran to be over 4 million.
Prior to its annexation in April 20, 1925, Arabistan enjoyed full autonomy and independence at various times in its history of 5,000 years. Arabic was taught and spoken as the official language prior to annexation. After the emergence of Reza Shah and by enforcing centralization, he invaded Arabistan with 22,000 soldiers, overthrew the local administration, occupied and destroyed Arabistan’s sovereignty, and subordinated the province to Iran - all against the wishes of its Arab inhabitants and without their direct involvement or a referendum. The state adopted Farsi (Persian) as the official language, which is spoken by less than 40% of the total population. The government shut down the schools and banned Arabic education in the province where about 90% of the people were native Arabic speakers. The Iranian government officially changed the name of the province from Arabistan to Khuzestan in 1936.And that is how the Ahwazi Arab people were put under political, cultural, social and economic subjugation by the past Iranian monarchist and the current clerical regimes for the past 78 years. These regimes stripped Arabs of Ahwaz from their human rights and lowered their status to the ranks of 2nd and 3rd class citizens.
Ethnic make-up of Iran The Scenario.
In late January 2006, the Pentagon secretly alerts all Iranian opposition groups both inside and outside Iran, including those in Khuzestan, Baluchistan, and Iranian Kurdistan and Azerbaijan, that the US administration will begin to actively seek ways of removing the regime of President Ahmadinejad short of all out war. In early February, active American trained sabotage cells from the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) are smuggled into Iran along with deep penetration American special forces. Existing embedded opposition sabotage cells are ordered to continue with their active campaign of disruption (such as the very recent bombings in Ahvaz and elsewhere in Khuzestan and the possible sabotage of the Revolutionary Guards Falcon jet which crashed in early January killing nine generals).It is now just after 2am on the morning of a weekday in late March. The people of Tehran are in bed. The heavy goods and construction lorries are trundling through the city as they are allowed to do at night. The occasional police car can be seen. Street lights are on and everything seems to be normal. Suddenly the ground starts to shake violently; the lorries lose control swerving from side to side; buildings start to collapse; the lights flicker and go out. Earthquake! The severe shaking goes on for nearly a minute before it suddenly stops. Then, silence.First light over the city of Tehran sees the city almost obscured by dust - a scene not dissimilar to New York after the collapse of the Twin Towers. Sirens can be heard wailing and it soon becomes clear to any surviving resident of Tehran that the city's skyline has been altered drastically. Through the dust it would appear that virtually every high-raised building in the city has collapsed.In America, the US Geological Survey (USGS), at their earthquake information centre in Colorado, monitor an earthquake in the area of Tehran of 6.7 on the Richter Scale. This is a big one. In December 2003 a similar sized earthquake (6.6) hit the ancient Iranian city of Bam leaving over 43,000 people dead.In Geneva, the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), on receiving flash reports of the earthquake, sets into motion its well rehearsed procedures and immediately mobilises its Field Co-ordination Support Section. Calls are put through to the Iranian Government in Tehran but all communications appear to be down. The Iranian Ambassador to the UN in New York puts in a call to OCHA requesting immediate international help but admits that he has made this decision unilaterally as he too cannot get through to Iran. On the strength of this, a flash signal is then sent out from OCHA requesting the mobilisation of its member urban search and rescue (USAR) teams in countries all around the world. In Bam, USAR teams from twenty different countries came in with their specialist equipment and dogs to help extricate survivors from the rubble - speed to get these teams into the disaster area is absolutely essential.Six hours after the earthquake and OCHA finally receives a request for international help from Tehran but it has come from a junior interior minister. It is clear that the Iranian Government is not functioning properly and that the fate of the country’s president and many members of the Iranian regime is not known. A few messages are now starting to get through from Iran to the international press agencies, Iranian embassies and OCHA. Tehran's international airport is closed and frantic efforts are being made to open it. Two of the main city hospitals have collapsed; there is no power and the only electricity is coming from emergency generators; and all roads and railways to and from the capital have been severely damaged - the city is effectively cut off from the rest of the country. As well as this there are reports of very powerful aftershocks which are adding to the problems of the survivors. Key people in the White House and the Pentagon are very satisfied. Their scientists have successfully triggered a violent movement of the tectonic plates under Tehran - who is going to suspect this expected and tragic ‘Act of God’.Twenty-four hours on and a global humanitarian relief effort has started. The international airport has been reopened and a nearby military air-base has also said it will receive incoming humanitarian flights. Huge transport planes and civilian airliners packed with emergency relief are arriving from America, Russia, China and over thirty other countries. USAR teams from six countries have arrived within 24 hours - an extremely good response time. Many have been to Iran before and know what to expect. However, the bureaucratic Red Tape that usually delays incoming humanitarian missions is strangely missing - indeed Iranian officials appear shocked and traumatised and emotional scenes are witnessed as international relief workers are mobbed by grateful but desperate Iranians who know their loved ones are probably trapped alive in the rubble of what used to be their homes.It now appears, forty eight hours on, that Tehran has been devastated. The worst case scenario appears to have happened. The initial death toll is already put at 10,000 but earthquake experts know that that figure will rise probably ten fold. The President and nearly all of his administration have survived and Ahmadinejad has made a presidential speech to his country calling for calm and practical help for his beleaguered capital. The infrastructure of the city has been devastated. The Islamic Iranian Ground Forces (IIGF) has been trucked in and thousands of professional Iranians, doctors, engineers and the like, are heading to Tehran with lorry loads of emergency supplies. The White House and the Pentagon are extremely satisfied with developments.Seven days on and the search and rescue phase of the operation is coming to a close. The death toll is looking around the 120,000 mark with over 200,000 injured. Thousands of Iranian soldiers are exhausted - they have been working frantically around the clock, with many having loved ones in the city. The international teams are starting to leave, including the three USAR teams who came from America and who have earned the gratitude of the Iranian people by saving the lives of twelve people including three children. It is now time for the Pentagon to put its plan into operation. Using spy satellite intelligence as to the positions of key Iranian military units, as well receiving information from their special forces operating on the ground, the Pentagon will now choreograph, through their embedded agents, regional indigenous uprisings so as to achieve maximum disruption to the shattered Iranian regime.Two days later, news agencies start to report new disturbances in the Khuzestan Province - the Governor there, with three of his bodyguards, has just been assassinated by a car bomb. Thousands have taken to the streets of Ahvaz demanding independence for the Ahwazi people and the restoration of Ahwaz or Arabistan as the Persians called it. A nearby barracks was attacked by gunmen with mortars and machine guns and heavy casualties have been reported. Two oil pipelines have also exploded and reports are coming through of isolated attacks on Farsi oil workers and their families.The next day sees reports of serious disturbances and civil unrest in Baluchistan as well as Iranian Kurdistan and Iranian Azerbaijan. More disturbingly for the Iranian Government there has also been a reported armed clash between soldiers of the Revolutionary Guard and soldiers of a line unit of the IIGF involved with providing humanitarian relief to the people of Tehran. With events now appearing to be escalating out of control, President Ahmadinejad has put out another appeal for calm and unity but Iranian observers, both inside and outside Iran, are talking of civil war between those who want a new beginning with a secular democratic republic of Iran and those who still believe in the revolution and the Islamic Republic.Meanwhile in Khuzestan the situation is getting worse. Reports start to come through of units of the elite Revolutionary Guard firing on demonstrators in Ahvaz with heavy casualties among the unarmed Ahwazi civilians. More bombs have reportedly gone off in oil production areas and Farsi oil workers have come out on strike against the Government mainly because they and their families are not being protected properly. A confirmed report has now come through that the death toll amongst the civilian Arab Ahwazis is put at over 300 with the situation getting worse by the hour as members of the Republican Guard appear to be out of control in their treatment of the Ahwazis.The Security Council at the United Nations now meets in emergency session to discuss the worsening situation, especially as regards to the vulnerability of the Iranian nuclear installations and what should be done about them. Ambassador Bolton takes everyone by surprise and announces that the U.S., with the full support of Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Egypt, will organise and send in a multinational or coalition force into Khuzestan in order to restore law and order and to restore the autonomous but democratic Arab state of Ahwaz or Arabistan. An exclusion zone around what used to be Khuzestan is given to the Iranian Government and any Iranian forces found there will be attacked by coalition air and naval forces. The U.S. is now in effective control of nearly 90% of Iran's oil and gas wealth!No public decision is made at the UN about the nuclear installations but the IAEA, in secret talks with the Pentagon, eventually authorises the coalition forces to send in large airborne forces (U.S. 82nd and 101st Divisions plus UK and Arab contributions), backed up by strong close air support, to seize control of the main nuclear installations at Natanz, Arak, Ardekan and Isfahan once it is clear that there is no proper Iranian Government in control. Nuclear scientists will accompany the airborne forces and will 'make safe' these installations and so prevent any furtherance by Iran towards having nuclear weapons. This is where my Scenario ends - the neocons will not be accused for what appears to be an appalling, but totally expected, Act of God (except of course by some conspiracy researchers using the Alternative Media) and their rapid humanitarian response to send USAR teams and medical supplies to help the survivors will be applauded.
The events following the earthquake will be seen as having put paid to Iran's nuclear ambitions and will have resulted in 90% of Iran's oil falling into the hands of a new U.S. backed Arab state thus wrecking Iran’s new oil bourse which was to have traded in euros rather than US dollars - a very real and tangible threat to the American economy which had to be dealt with. Meanwhile, George Bush's standing and popularity at home will be restored considerably as his Middle East strategy of spreading ‘democracy’ appears to be working. And the global War on Terror is now going America's way..........well, for now at any rate, until the next time the neocons/illuminati/zionists/new world order want to advance their agenda for Global Government and feel the need for some more synthetic terrorism to 'win us over'!An interesting postscript. I came across a map of ‘The Bernard Lewis (champion of and guru for the NeoCon/Zionist Agenda) plan for the Middle East’. And guess what? He has created a new country called Arabistan except its boundaries go further along Iran's coast to include nearly all of Iran's oil and gas wealth. Now there’s a surprise.
It has also occurred to me that whilst the artificially-induced earthquake would be preferable to the neocons as America could not be blamed for making the first move, the latter stages of this scenario could still be played out successfully (though perhaps with slightly more organised opposition being encountered) if Tehran and other key locations were hit by a sudden mass strike of Tomahawk Cruise Missiles (range 1,000 miles) armed with conventional warheads similar to the strikes on Baghdad in the two Gulf Wars. This mass assault, from these extremely low flying and hard to destroy missiles, would target the Presidential complex, Government offices, Revolutionary Guard headquarters and barracks, known missile sites, communications centres, military airfields and key strategic bridges etc. The effect would be to paralyse the decision making process and command structure of the Iranian regime for well over 24 hours giving time for the internal uprisings to begin. Justin attended an Earthquake Conference in Tehran in 1999 where he presented a Paper on International Disaster Response Mechanisms - a subject he has specialised in for nearly fifteen years. For ten years he was an officer in the British Territorial Army in a light reconnaissance regiment trained in counter-terrorism. He is currently an activist in the British and Irish 9/11 Truth Movement. He can be reached at:
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by Justin Walker
The Alternative Media has seen over the last few months a series of predictions and detailed scenarios concerning the likely immediate fate of Iran. Talk of pre-emptive strikes by Israel on Iran's nuclear programme, followed up by a strategic bombing assault by America (possibly using tactical nuclear weapons) and then a mass retaliation by Iran's surviving armed forces, has seen an American aircraft carrier sunk, the US Fifth Fleet in disarray, thousands of US and Iranian servicemen killed, the collapse of the US dollar and radioactive clouds heading towards the Indian sub-continent.
Now, I'm not saying that this couldn't happen - and we do know that the global agenda for a fascist One World Government, which is being actively carried out slowly but surely by an elite network of NeoConservative/Illuminati/Zionist secret societies, will eventually need to see the demotion of the United States from the world's only super-power to that of an ordinary team player in the coming New World Order - but I just feel that there may be a different series of events that will take us all by surprise and which will be largely believed and probably welcomed by the unsuspecting peoples of the world.
One thing is almost certain. Like what happened to the poor people of Afghanistan and Iraq, an engineered storm is about to be unleashed by a cabal of criminals onto the innocent people of Iran - and I emphasise that word ‘innocent’ because overwhelmingly ordinary Iranians just want to lead normal peaceful lives and do not feel hatred towards other cultures and beliefs. But before taking you through what I believe is a very possible and realistic scenario which not only deals effectively with the nuclear issue, but will also tick many of the other boxes as well, it is important that some little-known background information is explained in detail which I think will clarify and hopefully persuade you, the reader, towards my way of thinking.
The U.S. Military Last year in August, we had the strange affair of the sudden dismissal of a four star general. General Kevin P. Byrnes was relieved for possible sexual misconduct but anonymous sources close to the military believe he was part of a U.S. military faction discontented with the Bush administration’s war policies in Iraq and the increasing likelihood of a contrived and bloody conflict with Iran. People tend to forget that the one, two, three and four star generals of today in the American Army probably fought as young officers and soldiers in Vietnam. They probably had friends killed and maimed - they certainly witnessed the humiliation felt by the military as America withdrew from South Vietnam and had to withstand the stigma of being seen to lose the war. Over the next three decades these officers rebuilt the prestige and morale of the American Army but now all their good work is apparently being undone on the streets of Baghdad. How do these officers feel when they know that their Commander in Chief, the U.S. President, and the Vice President, both used their influential families and contacts to avoid serving on active duty in Vietnam? And how do they feel when they know that whilst the war in Iraq is far from won, these two cowards in the White House, along with their neocon cronies, are now engineering an even bigger war with Iran?
The answer has to be there is a lot of disquiet within the military about what is happening, especially when some of the senior figures in the U.S. military probably know that the official story of 9/11 is not true and that it was nothing but a false flag operation to justify the neocon’s ambitious agenda as highlighted by the Project for a New American Century. To counter this disquiet, the neocons know that if the senior military are to be kept on board and loyal to the administration, an alternative plan for dealing with Iran must be drawn up that does not involve an all out war. Indeed, it must be a plan that plays very much on Iran's weaknesses. And the three greatest weaknesses that the Islamic Republic of Iran has are that its decision making is extremely centralised based on Tehran; that the educated middle classes and students, as well as four ethnic minority groups, are growing very tired and weary of living in a strict Islamic state and would welcome a more moderate, secular and democratic form of government; and the third weakness definitely not lost on the planners is Iran's geophysical vulnerability. The City of Tehran.
Tehran sits on one major and two minor fault lines and is home to more than 12 million people, but few of the buildings have been made to withstand even an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale. What follows are opinions from three leading Iranian seismologists: " Tehran must be rebuilt to withstand earthquakes; if not it should be moved," says Dr Bahram Akasheh, a geophysicist at Tehran University. "Either we have to put up with millions of dead, millions of injured, or we need to move the capital somewhere else and take steps to decrease the population here and make Tehran more resistant to earthquakes," he warns. According to Dr Akasheh's calculations, there is a 90% chance of an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale hitting Tehran and a 50% chance of an earthquake measuring 7.5 striking the capital. "Activation of Tehran's faultlines will also herald one of the strongest earthquakes ever seen in the world," said the Head of Tehran Earthquake Research Center, Farid Mahdian. "In general", he says, "the southern part of the capital city is particularly vulnerable to tremors due to the existence of soft ground, high buildings and population density, and narrow and congested streets". Head of the International Seismographic Research Center affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Mohsen Ghafouri Ashtiyani said that according to specialized studies, the faultlines around Tehran are sliding and gathering energy and there is a strong likelihood of an earthquake striking the Iranian capital. "On the basis of the studies, the probability of a quake above seven degrees on the Richter scale in the next 10 years currently stands at 65 percent and this is expected to increase with the passing of time," he said. To summarise, Tehran is viewed by the international community of seismologists as being, like San Francisco and Tokyo, a city waiting for the inevitable 'big one'.
Iran's earthquake faults Artificially-induced Earthquakes. Former Secretary of Defense ( USA) William S. Cohen was quoted as saying at a conference in April 1997, "Others are engaging even in an ecotype of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves". When you read about the brilliant 20th century scientist and inventor, Nikola Tesla, and realise that his incredible research (on free energy amongst other things) has been largely suppressed by those who do not have our best interests at heart, you start to realise very quickly that there is an awful lot going on in the laboratories belonging to the military industrial complex that we will probably never know about. Having set off some spectacular but very localised tremors in and around his laboratory, Tesla discovered that man-made earthquakes could be triggered by finding and using the correct resonant vibration of the earth. In the July 11 1935 issue of the New York American an article entitled 'Tesla's Controlled Earthquakes' reported that Tesla's "experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the Earth - called by him "the art of telegeodynamic" - were roughly described by the scientists as a sort of controlled earthquake". The article went on to say "The rhythmical vibrations pass through the Earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects.
The invention could be used with destructive effect in war." In an Arctic compound 450 kilometres east of Anchorage, Alaska, the Pentagon has erected a powerful transmitter designed to beam more than a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Known as Project HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the experiment involves the world’s largest "ionospheric heater," a device designed to zap the skies hundreds of kilometres above the Earth with high-frequency radio waves.
Ever since the existence of HAARP became public, a number of independent researchers have warned the operation has a secret agenda including weather modification, mind control, hi-tech military experiments, and the triggering of earthquakes. HAARP transmissions may also be used for the detection and monitoring of electromagnetic or "plasma" phenomena, precursors of seismic activity and tectonic movement. Researchers believe HAARP transmissions are actually being used to activate or trigger exactly the same electromagnetic conditions that can cause tectonic movement. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has troubled a number of researchers who believe that the actual earthquake itself that triggered the giant waves might just have been as a direct result of some top secret military nuclear testing in the waters of the Indian Ocean. Certainly scientists have been shocked to find eleven months later a 'dead zone' devoid of life at the epicentre of the quake, four kilometres beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. A scientist working on the Census of Marine Life Project, Ron O'Dor, of Dalhousie University in Canada is reported as saying "You'd expect a site like this to be quickly re-colonised, but that hasn't happened. It's unprecedented." As I have already pointed out, Tehran is situated on three tectonic fault lines and is expecting a major earthquake in the foreseeable future. Americans have easy access to nearly all of the countries surrounding Iran.
Nobody knows for certain what the black arts of science are capable of but the triggering of these tectonic plates beneath Tehran would appear to be quite feasible when you consider that it was 1935 that Tesla was meeting with success with his experiments. Khuzestan - the former autonomous Arab province of Ahwaz. The Ahwazi Arab Nation was admitted as a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) in 2003. According to the UNPO's website the Ahwazi people in Iran’s south western Khuzestan province are suffering severely under the Islamic Republic of Iran's regime with reports last year of repressive and violent measures being taken against Ahwazi dissidents. It has also been reported that Ahwazi children, unlike other children in Iran, are suffering from severe malnutrition. UNPO's profile of the Ahwazi Arab Nation reads as follows: History: Ahwaz used to be an autonomous Arab territory that had its own ruler, Shaykh Khazal, until he was deposed in 1925 by Persian General Reza Khan, who went on to become king of Iran. Ahwaz gradually lost its political, economic and cultural independence when it was completely annexed by Reza Shah Pahlavi, who forcefully took over Ahwaz. Before Iran annexed Ahwaz, the Persians referred to the region as Arabistan (signifying the territory's Arab character). After its annexation, the central government changed the territory's name to Khuzestan. Since 1925, Ahwaz, or Khuzestan, is a province that lies in southwest Iran, bordering Iraq, Kuwait and the Persian Gulf. Ahwaz is now the name of the province's capital, used by Persians and Arabs alike. However, Persians refer to the province as Khuzestan, while Arabs still refer to the province as Ahwaz (or Al-Ahwaz in the Arabic language). Ahwaz is very rich in oil and natural resources. However, the Ahwazi people do not benefit from the riches of their own land. Our people deserve to benefit from the wealth generated by the resources on their own lands. The only "benefits" they receive is a terribly polluted environment resulting from a mismanaged oil industry and the diversion of oil wealth to Tehran.
The quality of the drinking water and irrigation water is poor due to an inadequate sewage system and industrial contamination, primarily from the sugar cane plants. This problem is exacerbated by the diversion of water out of Ahwaz to other parts of Iran and the sale of Ahwaz's water to the Gulf States by the Iranian government.The confiscation of Arab-owned land by the Iranian government has been an established policy since 1925. The lands are typically given over to non-Arab settlers and used by the government as new construction sites. No matter who is in charge in Tehran, be it Reza Shah, his son, Mohammad Reza Shah, or the heads of the Islamic Republic, the same undemocratic policy has always been pursued toward the national and religious minorities in Iran, and in particular, toward the Arab people of Ahwaz.In recent years, self-awareness and the growth of the Ahwazi Arab national movement have been on the rise. This is a reality that cannot be ignored when dealing with the issues of freedom and democracy in Iran and the Middle East at large, particularly in the Gulf region. Due to its fertile land, numerous rivers, and vast oil reserves, Ahwaz has the resources to sustain itself and generate significant income from oil and agricultural exports. Bordering Iraq, Kuwait, and the Persian Gulf, Ahwaz weighs in heavily in geopolitical balance of the Middle East. Geographical features:Area: About 69,000 square kilometres. Boundaries from the North, mountains of Lurestan and Kurdistan, from the East and Southeast Zagrus Mountains, from south Dashtestan and the Gulf, from the West Iraq, South and Southwest is the Gulf and the Shat-el-Arab Waterway.Ahwaz (Arabistan) or Khuzestan is strategically located on the northern tip of the Gulf and the Shatt-al Arab waterway. It sits atop of vast mineral resources including a reserve of over 40 billion barrels of oil and 210 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is the second largest known oil and gas reserves in the world. The land produces 3-5---5 million barrels of oil per day, or 20% of OPEC's daily production (my emphasis).Population and Culture:The population is estimated to be between 4 and 6 million. The U.S. State Department 2002 Human Rights Report estimates the Ahwazi Arabs in Iran to be over 4 million.
Prior to its annexation in April 20, 1925, Arabistan enjoyed full autonomy and independence at various times in its history of 5,000 years. Arabic was taught and spoken as the official language prior to annexation. After the emergence of Reza Shah and by enforcing centralization, he invaded Arabistan with 22,000 soldiers, overthrew the local administration, occupied and destroyed Arabistan’s sovereignty, and subordinated the province to Iran - all against the wishes of its Arab inhabitants and without their direct involvement or a referendum. The state adopted Farsi (Persian) as the official language, which is spoken by less than 40% of the total population. The government shut down the schools and banned Arabic education in the province where about 90% of the people were native Arabic speakers. The Iranian government officially changed the name of the province from Arabistan to Khuzestan in 1936.And that is how the Ahwazi Arab people were put under political, cultural, social and economic subjugation by the past Iranian monarchist and the current clerical regimes for the past 78 years. These regimes stripped Arabs of Ahwaz from their human rights and lowered their status to the ranks of 2nd and 3rd class citizens.
Ethnic make-up of Iran The Scenario.
In late January 2006, the Pentagon secretly alerts all Iranian opposition groups both inside and outside Iran, including those in Khuzestan, Baluchistan, and Iranian Kurdistan and Azerbaijan, that the US administration will begin to actively seek ways of removing the regime of President Ahmadinejad short of all out war. In early February, active American trained sabotage cells from the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) are smuggled into Iran along with deep penetration American special forces. Existing embedded opposition sabotage cells are ordered to continue with their active campaign of disruption (such as the very recent bombings in Ahvaz and elsewhere in Khuzestan and the possible sabotage of the Revolutionary Guards Falcon jet which crashed in early January killing nine generals).It is now just after 2am on the morning of a weekday in late March. The people of Tehran are in bed. The heavy goods and construction lorries are trundling through the city as they are allowed to do at night. The occasional police car can be seen. Street lights are on and everything seems to be normal. Suddenly the ground starts to shake violently; the lorries lose control swerving from side to side; buildings start to collapse; the lights flicker and go out. Earthquake! The severe shaking goes on for nearly a minute before it suddenly stops. Then, silence.First light over the city of Tehran sees the city almost obscured by dust - a scene not dissimilar to New York after the collapse of the Twin Towers. Sirens can be heard wailing and it soon becomes clear to any surviving resident of Tehran that the city's skyline has been altered drastically. Through the dust it would appear that virtually every high-raised building in the city has collapsed.In America, the US Geological Survey (USGS), at their earthquake information centre in Colorado, monitor an earthquake in the area of Tehran of 6.7 on the Richter Scale. This is a big one. In December 2003 a similar sized earthquake (6.6) hit the ancient Iranian city of Bam leaving over 43,000 people dead.In Geneva, the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), on receiving flash reports of the earthquake, sets into motion its well rehearsed procedures and immediately mobilises its Field Co-ordination Support Section. Calls are put through to the Iranian Government in Tehran but all communications appear to be down. The Iranian Ambassador to the UN in New York puts in a call to OCHA requesting immediate international help but admits that he has made this decision unilaterally as he too cannot get through to Iran. On the strength of this, a flash signal is then sent out from OCHA requesting the mobilisation of its member urban search and rescue (USAR) teams in countries all around the world. In Bam, USAR teams from twenty different countries came in with their specialist equipment and dogs to help extricate survivors from the rubble - speed to get these teams into the disaster area is absolutely essential.Six hours after the earthquake and OCHA finally receives a request for international help from Tehran but it has come from a junior interior minister. It is clear that the Iranian Government is not functioning properly and that the fate of the country’s president and many members of the Iranian regime is not known. A few messages are now starting to get through from Iran to the international press agencies, Iranian embassies and OCHA. Tehran's international airport is closed and frantic efforts are being made to open it. Two of the main city hospitals have collapsed; there is no power and the only electricity is coming from emergency generators; and all roads and railways to and from the capital have been severely damaged - the city is effectively cut off from the rest of the country. As well as this there are reports of very powerful aftershocks which are adding to the problems of the survivors. Key people in the White House and the Pentagon are very satisfied. Their scientists have successfully triggered a violent movement of the tectonic plates under Tehran - who is going to suspect this expected and tragic ‘Act of God’.Twenty-four hours on and a global humanitarian relief effort has started. The international airport has been reopened and a nearby military air-base has also said it will receive incoming humanitarian flights. Huge transport planes and civilian airliners packed with emergency relief are arriving from America, Russia, China and over thirty other countries. USAR teams from six countries have arrived within 24 hours - an extremely good response time. Many have been to Iran before and know what to expect. However, the bureaucratic Red Tape that usually delays incoming humanitarian missions is strangely missing - indeed Iranian officials appear shocked and traumatised and emotional scenes are witnessed as international relief workers are mobbed by grateful but desperate Iranians who know their loved ones are probably trapped alive in the rubble of what used to be their homes.It now appears, forty eight hours on, that Tehran has been devastated. The worst case scenario appears to have happened. The initial death toll is already put at 10,000 but earthquake experts know that that figure will rise probably ten fold. The President and nearly all of his administration have survived and Ahmadinejad has made a presidential speech to his country calling for calm and practical help for his beleaguered capital. The infrastructure of the city has been devastated. The Islamic Iranian Ground Forces (IIGF) has been trucked in and thousands of professional Iranians, doctors, engineers and the like, are heading to Tehran with lorry loads of emergency supplies. The White House and the Pentagon are extremely satisfied with developments.Seven days on and the search and rescue phase of the operation is coming to a close. The death toll is looking around the 120,000 mark with over 200,000 injured. Thousands of Iranian soldiers are exhausted - they have been working frantically around the clock, with many having loved ones in the city. The international teams are starting to leave, including the three USAR teams who came from America and who have earned the gratitude of the Iranian people by saving the lives of twelve people including three children. It is now time for the Pentagon to put its plan into operation. Using spy satellite intelligence as to the positions of key Iranian military units, as well receiving information from their special forces operating on the ground, the Pentagon will now choreograph, through their embedded agents, regional indigenous uprisings so as to achieve maximum disruption to the shattered Iranian regime.Two days later, news agencies start to report new disturbances in the Khuzestan Province - the Governor there, with three of his bodyguards, has just been assassinated by a car bomb. Thousands have taken to the streets of Ahvaz demanding independence for the Ahwazi people and the restoration of Ahwaz or Arabistan as the Persians called it. A nearby barracks was attacked by gunmen with mortars and machine guns and heavy casualties have been reported. Two oil pipelines have also exploded and reports are coming through of isolated attacks on Farsi oil workers and their families.The next day sees reports of serious disturbances and civil unrest in Baluchistan as well as Iranian Kurdistan and Iranian Azerbaijan. More disturbingly for the Iranian Government there has also been a reported armed clash between soldiers of the Revolutionary Guard and soldiers of a line unit of the IIGF involved with providing humanitarian relief to the people of Tehran. With events now appearing to be escalating out of control, President Ahmadinejad has put out another appeal for calm and unity but Iranian observers, both inside and outside Iran, are talking of civil war between those who want a new beginning with a secular democratic republic of Iran and those who still believe in the revolution and the Islamic Republic.Meanwhile in Khuzestan the situation is getting worse. Reports start to come through of units of the elite Revolutionary Guard firing on demonstrators in Ahvaz with heavy casualties among the unarmed Ahwazi civilians. More bombs have reportedly gone off in oil production areas and Farsi oil workers have come out on strike against the Government mainly because they and their families are not being protected properly. A confirmed report has now come through that the death toll amongst the civilian Arab Ahwazis is put at over 300 with the situation getting worse by the hour as members of the Republican Guard appear to be out of control in their treatment of the Ahwazis.The Security Council at the United Nations now meets in emergency session to discuss the worsening situation, especially as regards to the vulnerability of the Iranian nuclear installations and what should be done about them. Ambassador Bolton takes everyone by surprise and announces that the U.S., with the full support of Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Egypt, will organise and send in a multinational or coalition force into Khuzestan in order to restore law and order and to restore the autonomous but democratic Arab state of Ahwaz or Arabistan. An exclusion zone around what used to be Khuzestan is given to the Iranian Government and any Iranian forces found there will be attacked by coalition air and naval forces. The U.S. is now in effective control of nearly 90% of Iran's oil and gas wealth!No public decision is made at the UN about the nuclear installations but the IAEA, in secret talks with the Pentagon, eventually authorises the coalition forces to send in large airborne forces (U.S. 82nd and 101st Divisions plus UK and Arab contributions), backed up by strong close air support, to seize control of the main nuclear installations at Natanz, Arak, Ardekan and Isfahan once it is clear that there is no proper Iranian Government in control. Nuclear scientists will accompany the airborne forces and will 'make safe' these installations and so prevent any furtherance by Iran towards having nuclear weapons. This is where my Scenario ends - the neocons will not be accused for what appears to be an appalling, but totally expected, Act of God (except of course by some conspiracy researchers using the Alternative Media) and their rapid humanitarian response to send USAR teams and medical supplies to help the survivors will be applauded.
The events following the earthquake will be seen as having put paid to Iran's nuclear ambitions and will have resulted in 90% of Iran's oil falling into the hands of a new U.S. backed Arab state thus wrecking Iran’s new oil bourse which was to have traded in euros rather than US dollars - a very real and tangible threat to the American economy which had to be dealt with. Meanwhile, George Bush's standing and popularity at home will be restored considerably as his Middle East strategy of spreading ‘democracy’ appears to be working. And the global War on Terror is now going America's way..........well, for now at any rate, until the next time the neocons/illuminati/zionists/new world order want to advance their agenda for Global Government and feel the need for some more synthetic terrorism to 'win us over'!An interesting postscript. I came across a map of ‘The Bernard Lewis (champion of and guru for the NeoCon/Zionist Agenda) plan for the Middle East’. And guess what? He has created a new country called Arabistan except its boundaries go further along Iran's coast to include nearly all of Iran's oil and gas wealth. Now there’s a surprise.
It has also occurred to me that whilst the artificially-induced earthquake would be preferable to the neocons as America could not be blamed for making the first move, the latter stages of this scenario could still be played out successfully (though perhaps with slightly more organised opposition being encountered) if Tehran and other key locations were hit by a sudden mass strike of Tomahawk Cruise Missiles (range 1,000 miles) armed with conventional warheads similar to the strikes on Baghdad in the two Gulf Wars. This mass assault, from these extremely low flying and hard to destroy missiles, would target the Presidential complex, Government offices, Revolutionary Guard headquarters and barracks, known missile sites, communications centres, military airfields and key strategic bridges etc. The effect would be to paralyse the decision making process and command structure of the Iranian regime for well over 24 hours giving time for the internal uprisings to begin. Justin attended an Earthquake Conference in Tehran in 1999 where he presented a Paper on International Disaster Response Mechanisms - a subject he has specialised in for nearly fifteen years. For ten years he was an officer in the British Territorial Army in a light reconnaissance regiment trained in counter-terrorism. He is currently an activist in the British and Irish 9/11 Truth Movement. He can be reached at:
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