The question is...

Not so long ago I finally 'completed' the manufacture of a set of runestones. Ok I am not completly happy with them, they are a little bulky and need shaping down and perhaps polishing but I was eager to give them a go based on some of my lucid states acheived during manufacture.

The first few casts of a traditional three rune spread and celtic cross 5 stone lay seemed pretty accurate based on not seeking specific answers to questions but purely a rounded view on past present future and influences to be aware of from a personal perspective.
I won't bore you with the details but it was enough to convince me I hadn't 'lost the knack' over the intervening years and that the stones functioned well.

Anyway I happened to stumble across a few sites whilst in the process of manufacture that refered to online runestone reading for free where you electroniclly click and a cast is drawn for you. Most seemed to specialise in direct question answering which can involve 1 or 3 runes. I was completly dubious this would actually work or if it did to some extent most be wholely inaccurate.

Well I decided to try a little 'experiment'. Taking my runestones I would ask a question and conclude the answer/influence with my personal runes and then do the 'online' cast immediatly afterwards and knock me down with a feather a good 75% the draw was identical and virtually all the time the rune/runes involved could be interpreted in a similiar way.I also tried using the 'internet' draw first then my own and results where again around the 75% success rate.

So the morale is at least some of the internet related sites do 'work' and it may be well worth looking into if you don't have the time and patience to construct your own set. They only seemed to be accurate in direct questioning though. Broad outlook readings where completely out of synch with my own set which is perhaps understandable. Maybe we can project our thoughts a little and the runes appearing on the screen where doing so not randomly but through some metaphysical science.....

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