Lost In Translation

You know I've been starting a craze of t-shirt fetish in recently single men around my workplace. My favorite so far has been the 'ASBO' shirt. 'Anti-social behavior order' for any non Brits reading this. I found that it tickled me anyway.
Oh and I have found a T-shirt I think needs to be imposed on all foreign people in every country. The 'My first language isn't ........' T-shirt as seen above. They come in all languages.
This is especially important after my recent faux pax (I seem to make one every half hour at the minute!). I noticed a rather nice young lady walking in front of me and decided to use the most ridiculous chat up line I could think of (well it has been a while and I am out of practice!). Anyway it saved my skin and total humiliation when she didn't understand a word and started talking (albeit sweetly) in Russian. I can't understand a word of Russian, this is terrible she might be thinking of whisking me off to Siberia instead it sounds as if she's ordering a taxi. Bum, I think I need to look for cultural stereotypes to avoid problems like this. The good thing is though I didn't get a slap for the awful chat up line......