Work assessments

I took myself off to the wonderful world of pre interview assessments today for a Health and Safety advisor job. Now working in education and teaching lots of students exam techniques and constantly adjusting their English and maths in coursework I sort of assumed it would be relatively straightforward.....

It was actually a real bummer being the person sitting the exam again, admittedly I had a full day of them about a year ago to get the quals but had been revising that stuff for weeks, this was all pretty much unrevised.

Now I know why I get the students to revise, my mental arithmetic when it comes to statistical analysis is rubbish. I had assumed it was pretty good being a sciency type but the reality is I use a computer for it most of the time and to sit down pouring over charts and tables I can do but not 20 questions in as many minutes. I got three quarters through and that was time up, oops.

Oh well, the verbal test was a breeze and made me laugh that most of the statements I had to pick true and false statements from where mainly scientific so I was well rehearsed in making sense of scientific gobbledygook, whoop.

Finally I had this 'in tray' exercise. The sort of you come to work after a week off and are snowed under so need to sort and prioritise your workload. Pretty straightforward but reminded me how tedious some jobs are.....

Anyway if I get passed as competent (as if) I will have an interview, whoop then I can wow them with my wit and personality but probably nothing Health and Safety related.

Ah soon I will have infiltrated the government organisation, soon my pretteeze......

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