'Bark at the Moon'

Doing the daily trawl of unusual weirdness and came across a whole host of UK werewolf sightings in and around the German War Cemetery at Cannock Chase. The well known mysterious weird stuff Author Nick Redfern has detailed a lot of the goings on at his blog here:

The Cannock Chase News has also a large archive of the associated weird goings on at the 'Chase' over the years. Many bizarre and crazy ideas being banded about but one suggestion of 'underground dwellers' like 'Stig of the dump' may have a ring of truth. Cannock Chase not only has a lot of old earthworks from mining and suchlike but I believe there are some old stone age cave dwellings that were found in the area, coincidence?.

Werewolves though are maybe too much of a leap of faith even for me..... I will however no longer be going there during full moons!.

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