Water mess....

Soz all, no posts for a little while for several reasons. Firstly as all of the techies out there may realise it's been that time of year of practical exams in the core sciences and therefore what seems like months preparation ultimately will go wrong on the day. Lots of stress but luckily this year went very smoothly despite having 120 Physics students to deal with only one breakage caused by me throughout so all good.

Typically tho if nothing goes wrong something else around this time of year will and for me it revolves around that joyous substance known as water. I had a bit of a flood resulting from a steady drip from my toilet that I decided to 'fix'. I have to say the plumbing was shot and not something I deliberately set about doing in some insurance claim despite my meagre finances but trying to replace compression joints should really be left to the expert lest you cause a pressure build up that then bursts all the shoddy seals behind your kitchen sink and you can't get at the stopcock because you are asleep and when you realise by waking up to a paddling pool in the front room (luckily it didn't damage the electrics all safely off the floor) that your stopcock is completely inaccessible because of where the in laws helped fit the kitchen blocked it up.... I just knew it wasn't a good idea to put those bits of wood around it, bloomin psychic me 'what if we had a flood I said', oh well....

Well after water hazard one, which although things are now dry, the toilet is sort of out of action for a bit, well other than using a bucket to fill the cistern.... All my plans of getting out to see music on a long Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK were scuppered by the insistence of British weather to rain constantly during any public holiday. So annoyed, two small festival gatherings were a washout, but in hindsight I wasn't camping in the rain so sort of lucky.....

Missed out on seeing people I really wanted to see though, oh well always another time hopefully drier...

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