Bottoms up....

Oh dear, had 'possibly' the first student lab accident yesterday of the year. Well I'm still not entirely sure it was an accident or just sort of weird but.....

Apparently whilst I was in my scary 'beg for pay rise get laughed out of room' meeting we had a student apparently 'burn' her bottom whilst in a chemistry lesson. Well the hospital say it's a burn so who are we to argue but how she burnt her posterior I haven't got a clue.

By all accounts the student complained of umm 'a burning sensation'. As they had conc Hydrochloric acid in the lesson the Lecturer wiped her seat and around the bench, all the other chemicals were non hazardous bar one which was possibly an irritant but in powder form and white so not likely to get near her rear.... She was wearing a lab coat which would have probably absorbed any acid spill and in all likely hood she would have had holes in her jeans or whatever before hitting the fleshy areas.

Anyway completely confused but thinking maybe she has got a skin rash and not a burn from something else but not being a doctor can't really comment but fecing weird. I may have to check lab coats and we also have the cloth used to wipe the bench which if it goes brown probably did wipe up some acid spills along the way.

I reckon she probably just had new washing powder or something that didn't agree with her, other possibilities are just too mind boggling to go into here......

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