'You can take a pill for that you know...'
Just finished reading several articles regarding drugs companies and mental disorders:-
It has been my pet hate for years the ever expanding Pharma companies and their readiness to create masses of chemical cocktails to curtail rather than 'cure' many ailments of the human body. I have very much avoided even so much as an aspirin if ever needed since my late teens having switched on to the problem back then whilst getting to grips with 'A' level Biology.
I have also become acutely aware of peoples differing personalities and psyches over the past few years and how fundamentally different they are to my own and how different each individual is to the next. I have quite a few friends and associates that a Psychiatrist would label with all sorts of wonderful ailments but seem to function perfectly well. I also notice though that one person who may be potentially suffering from one ailment may consider another ailment a terrible illness because they haven't experienced it. I suppose it's like the alcoholic saying the manic depressive is 'mad' and somehow worse off than them when in reality they are both just displaying personality quirks which if they are debilitating need addressing but otherwise 'where's the problem?'.
I consider my personality pretty much off the radar as far as analysis goes, far too many walls went up to shelter my fragile mind from the harshness of reality years ago and I am very introverted and generally quiet. That's me , my personality, nothing wrong with it, I am not shy as such I'm very happy to say what I want ,when I want and to whom I please. Under textbook conditions though am I suffering from 'SAD' well Big Pharma would want me to think so..... But then probably half the people I meet in any given day that could be said of and I don't think they would like to be told that or even consider it an option in their own mental make up.