Back in Black....

Wayhey, back to the land of Internet access and CCTV after a relaxing and somewhat funny birthday bash/holiday in Devon. Actually it was just on the border with Cornwall so time was spent in both and I actually prefer Cornwall now I have realised the Cornish people aren't all separatist nutters with delusions of self importance. Far from it I think the rest of England is like that and Cornish folk are pretty hospitable.

Anyway whilst away it seemed the rest of the country had the apocalypse occur in the form of the worst rain so far this year (I thought it couldn't actually get worse.....) with 2 months rain in 24hrs in some parts. Luckily I and my stalwart camping companions fared much better than most with it getting a bit wet at times but certainly not immense floods. In fact it was warm and sunny at times, somehow we were blessed being in the driest place of the country to be last week....

So having indulged in organic wholesome chilled out away from it all life for a small time it feels weird to be back to the daily grind. I miss the clear skies and fresh air already. I did note tho that even being in the most lovely of settings and they have had plenty of rain over the past months it just wasn't as green down there as I am used to in Ireland, I am thinking now most of Ireland must have super bog soil or something to maintain the greenness.

I must say though over indulgence in all things good both food and alcohol as well as anything else we could get our overexcited mitts on was consumed and therefore I suspect I need a holiday to recover from the holiday.....

I have also discovered that cheap rubbish tents do actually stand up to a bit of a battering but it helps having a good sleeping bag, so good was mine I regularly collapsed on it half in, half out of my tent having fallen asleep seconds after my head touched my pillow. This could be something to do with the years catching up and my pace not being as good as it was but I do still have a degree of common sense, unlike the daring duo who headed back to Nottingham to collect our missing fellow camper Laura only to fail to return due to the floods..... We all knew this was foolish but sometimes people have to do the odd hair brained scheme. It did mean we had to use cunningness to fit an extra two passengers and lots of extra kit in the Landrover to get back but it was a mission successful, and we must all raise a glass to Chrisbob's driving, packing and roof rack making ability!

So a big thank you to all fun chaps I was with, a special ta chuck to Sarah for the Harry Potter recitals and to all the Poi Poi Ninja's may the force be with you young Jedi's....... and thanks Cornish coastline for scaring the bejeezus out of me at night whilst away with the fairies after consuming Charlotte's Alice in Wonderland offering. I really didn't realise I was six inches away from a hundred foot drop or so untill one foot was over the edge...... And the spooky torchlight that wasn't one of us was far too weird with the voices too....... And people do this for fun?

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