Smile for the camera?
Well the first 6 'talking' cameras have sprouted up in my fair city of Nottingham. Scary stuff really as the first 'use' of them has been spotted by yours truly. On day1 of our new 'safer city' I saw a person outside the local shopping centre looking very confused as a voice blared out for him to pick up his crisp packet that he had just dropped.
It was incredibly funny to see a group of bemused shoppers looking around before a 'community enforcement officer' aka untrained and half salary police appeared and accosted the hapless litterbug demanding an on the spot £80 fine.
Until the uniformed reinforcements arrived nobody knew who was shouting at them to pick up the litter, may take a while before the public pay any attention to this mad camera nonsense which can only be a good thing. The worst aspect of this though was the closing 'booming voice' and I quote 'let this be a lesson to you all, littering will not be tolerated and you will be fined' .
Blimey no friendly reminder just police state money making through fines madness.... Unfortunately I was laughing so much I totally forgot to take a piccie on my phone but did notice how 'stalked' I was by these enforcement officer types. As a smoker as soon as they see you light up it's almost as if the camera is on you and I counted 3 (yes three ffs) of these dudes trail me as soon as I lit up. It was like they where just waiting for the smoked dog end remains to delicately hit the floor before pouncing on me fine book at the ready..... Luckily paranoid me always thinks I'm being followed and as they wear fluorescent yellow jackets they aren't very subtle so I casually found a bin as per normal to dispose of my remains..... I did though keep making moves to look as if I was going to drop and footsquish the remains of my cig, very funny seeing them making jerky pouncing type movements to collar me.
I must now instigate operation 'Teeth' as a protest (deliberately standing under camera littering whilst sticking a big nervous teeth sticker on the camera lens) but am a bit scared of the city centre camera now and still can't locate the one near my house, I think it must be the 'stealth' taking camera or something.... Mind as it's Friday 13th again chances are I'm gonna get done for something by 'the cam' today