blogging free speech?

Just read an article on the latest country to get a little 'worked up' by the fact that bloggers can say what they want and they don't like it.
Malaysia has been now added to the list of countries looking at Internet or more specifically Blog censorship. The full article can be found here:
This sort of thing is my pet hate, of all the freedoms in life the ability to express your views however extreme or bigoted they may be is an individuals right. To be heard though not necessarily agreed with. I have no time of day for religious fundamentalists, racists or extreme political views but I wouldn't want to live in a world where people cannot discuss these things. How else would I get to have an argument?.
What is riling is the Blogger= Terrorist notion. This is rubbish. A terrorist terrorises people. You can turn off a computer, not read a blog etc etc to avoid Blogger 'terrorism'. However a 'real' terrorist will use the 'normal' terrorist tools of the trade such as bombs and guns to intimidate you that aren't avoidable hence you then feel terrorised as you cannot run away from it even in your own home.
I get the feeling any person that a government sees as a dissenter now is labelled 'Terrorist' so laws can be passed to 'round them up' and the mass public think it's all good and they are somehow now 'safer' the 'Terrorist' has been locked up or whatever. This crazy world is heading towards some scary sort of Nazi state in a roundabout way on a global level.