Sightings gathering pace

Well I have only been away for a week but some pretty crazy times so far this July in the UK for weird stuff happening. We have had more UFO sightings reported over the UK than I can remember in such a short space of time and the biggest crop circle that we have every seen has formed down on the east field, Wiltshire a sight of numerous crop circle formations before.
I would consider myself a sceptical onlooker but this is all pointing towards a huge push of presence by whatever/whomever is responsible. The description of activity on the crop circle formations can be looked up at The description of a plasma type flash and the large military presence/investigation leads me to believe we may be getting closer to an explanation.
The most recent UFO sighting in Stafford was truly exceptional with so many witnesses but sadly the RAF have taken a very firm stance of not divulging anything whatsoever. At least though they haven't tried to necessarily fob it off as other people have with hot air balloons and so forth. The full account with a link to a poor video taken on a mobile phone can be found here
Coupled with the last 'Mass' sighting by two full passenger planes over the channel and the very credible witness reports from two pilots is it only a matter of time before the government talks. If you are a conspiracy theorist though we should be bracing ourselves for the line ' They are scary aliens from another planet so we must build big guns and missiles to protect ourselves, oh and we all must be chipped, these aliens can shape shift or alter their appearance, haven't you seen V?'