Intelligent design manipulation

Brace yourselves peeps, rant alert. I have arrived back from hols and have been going through the backlog of mail and found the most annoying parcel ever from a group called 'Illustra Media'.
For those that don't know Illustra media is an organisation run by Christian Fundamentalists (or maybe that's just mentalists...) that have taken it upon themselves to saturate every educational establishment science dept countrywide by distributing 2 DVD productions 'promoting' intelligent design. They are well funded hence every, and I mean every school has these bloomin DVD's now and what are we supposed to do with them?. Personally I have immediately binned them as how the fec can we teach a biology syllabus that tests kids on Darwin's theories whilst teaching them something else?. Yes we all must make our own mind up but please do not even attempt to intervene in schools teaching leave that to the National curriculum, exam boards, teachers and ultimately the education minister....
OK rant over but be warned this is the tip of the iceberg as far as the Christian Fundamentals pushing their sorta kooky ideology on innocent young minds....