Spiritual journey

Carrying on my continuing quest for spiritual enlightenment and all things esoteric I have been looking at the use of Ayahuasca vine and chakruna leaves by peruvian and brazilian tribes since aztec times as both a spiritual tool and initiation tribal process.
The use of these plants is completely legal in most parts of the world unlike a large amount of psychtropic plants and has consquently developed quite a following. It is said to be more like a medicine and many practitioners say it acts to redress forms of mental illness such as depression and stress and make the user more in tune with the 'gaia' like whole earth theory.
I have watched documentaries with people taking the 'tealike' infussion and by all accounts it is stomach churning tasting like 'The whole jungle powdered and mixed with bile' , mmm nice.....
Anyway I found a european supplier http://maya-ethnobotanicals.com/ and have a batch on the way for a little look at along with some researched instructions on it's preperation which is quite lengthy but relativly simple even for an accident prone lab techie like me.
Well hopefully I'll get to play with the jungle pixies and understand how the world works that little bit more afterwards and will inform all in due course of how much vomiting took place....