11th min of 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month

Rememberance Day, remembering the war dead, the sacrifice of those many soldiers for our freedom and democracy etc etc.
Well it's all well and good and I don't deny the good work The Royal British Legion do but this year there seems to be a huge backlash to the 'Poppy appeal'

For those unfamiliar with the concept, you donate a few pennies of spare cash and wear a paper/plastic poppy to show you are remembering those past fallen. Unfortunatly many who disagree with the present war in Iraq and some of the treatment of non-white ex servicemen/women are calling for a boycott and white peace poppies are springing up everywhere.

I take offence at this, our soldiers don't chooses the wars our governments do. They just do thier job, and in many cases die or are crippled by the conflict at the time. The royal British Legion will be helping ex-Iraq servicemen just as it has aided ex Falklands and ex world war 2 veterans regardless of colour or creed.
My relatives faught during world war 2 and helped the legion for many years as volunteers, if it wasn't for this charity do you think our government would step in and offer more aid to ex-servicemen? not bl***y likely whilst they finance the next one......

Anyway in my mindset the minutes silence at 11/11 was always something quite important, it seems it has been hijacked by another 'crazy date must be spooky psychic stuff' just like the non event of the recent cosmic ray conjuction nonsense early October.

Heres the link http://www.onenessminute.org/

Crazy mixed up world, at least America has voted with it's feet and Bush might have to listen to the voice of reason.....

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