'For Queen and Country'
It was the annual queen's speech in the UK yesterday, not that I normally pay much attention to it yesterday was slightly different. Primarily the speech was about terrorism and the need for more legislation to prevent it and subsequent attacks in the UK. We hear from the MI5 about 'at least 30 terror plots' targeting the UK. Welcome to the climate of fear.
Now I have mentioned on these pages before about the UK and how over the years we faced the threat of terrorism for over 40 years from the IRA and how we reacted to that and how we should be of all countries the best prepared to fight terrorism and to negotiate a peace settlement of some sort addressing why we are a target.
I have also previously stated how this terror threat of Osama and his gang is yet another 'keep them in fear' tactic and I like to quote from a famous American.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."Benjamin Franklin
Anyway as much as this queen's speech outlines the drive towards Orwell's totalitarian state I was heartened by a BBC forum that sprang up to discuss it
Most comments are well reasoned and coming from the same mindset as I, if this is Representative of a cross section of the UK then revolution here we come because most people are beginning to wise up to this farce of a government and would rather keep our civil liberties than worry about the odd bomb blast. And I for one have seen the odd bomb go off in the past on the streets of Belfast and scary as it may have been, it's nowhere near as scary as some of the Big Brother proposals on the cards.....