Careful, my T-shirt teeth bite.

Thought I had best update the masses on my converting the populous to 'tune in and drop out' via Nervous Teeth. I have been wearing the T-shirt above as often as possible but due to my excessive sweatiness after a busy working day and finding more interesting distractions than using the washing machine unlike when I was with my now absent wife this has amounted to approx once a week!.
No matter success has been acknowledged with the most appropriate areas to wear the shirt with pride being throughout the college with both staff and students pondering what is, it must be some sort of cool thing that the kids are into, is it a band, comic, must find out.....
The beer festival unfortunatly had too many beer related t-shirts so I think most people thought it was a brand of beer......, or perhaps some sort of beer drinkers guide. Maybe the beer moment of the teeth could count I suppose.
Going clothes shopping in posh shops for wedding attire was fun in it, normally if I go into shops in jeans and T-shirt the staff avoid me or try to usher me out, now they can't help but ponder the logo. Very peculiar behaviour. Maybe they think I'm a mystery customer or something.
Finally I will wear it at the 'aliens' gig in a few weeks, they look like informed souls and judging by their lyrics in previous guise as the Beta Band amongst others, pseudo political in a light hearted way. I'm sure I can blag a photo with them...... I'll only make a scene if they don't agree and then the police will see it too....... No not the band the fuzz with helmets and tazers.