OOH shiny, are you sure it's ours?

Having a bizarre moment. At the beginning of last week our Principal emerged from his Ivory tower office on the 'site with no name' and did a meet/greet new staff and check out the building before the waves of students. I got the obligatory handshake thingy whilst in the Physics lab setting up our demonstrations of forces and momentum with the air track and archaic BBC computer. Remember BBC computers? blimey don't make em like that anymore... Well the principal just laughed at the fact we were still using things that old. I refrained from mentioning he held the purse strings and we hadn't seen a capital budget spend since 1900 or so but my under the breath grumbling must have been picked up on.

Today had a surprise that 20 shiny new MAC laptops of the 120gb pro shiny variety and 5 'tablet PC's' are to be delivered with 2 laptop safes to me, myself and I, WOOT. I have of course checked and there is no mistake they are bought, paid for and on their way. It may mean of course we have no money to buy books, chemicals or anything else we might need but we'll be too busy downloading music and playing with nice MAC graphics to care........

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