Peaceful protest with a tank!

I like protests, protesting about things that are blatantly wrong is our right (for the time being) in our country of (limited) democracy. Now hopefully some of my immense readership of 2.8 people will be aware of last weeks large arms fair in London. A lovely little get together of weapon manufacturers and countries leaders wishing to purchase said weapons to, well um kill people I guess, that being what weapons are for....

Now after much complaining and protest over the years (not least of which by the deceased Lady Diana against landmines) the various manufacturers decided that in the more recent fairs not to openly display things such as landmines and torture devices (but if you ask the nice man at the trade stall he will show you piccies from the brochure and you can place your order as normal!)

Now as is regular now at this big 'trade fair' there is always a protest and this gets bigger every year as most people are now coming to the opinion that maybe this whole thing is a tad immoral at the very least and hence we get more police and more cost to the taxpayer every year to host it. But then the British government has a vested interest being as most of the big weapon making companies are either British or our politicians have shares in the companies or even (god forbid) the owners of the companies pass a considerable amount of dosh to the political parties here, (I wonder if they get a peerage for their trouble or is that another kettle of fish?)

Well the protests of the last week were pretty excellent despite virtually zero press coverage (surprise). Though these protests didn't just go on for a week they have been pretty much gathering pace over several months but my favourites have been the 'auction off a tank' protest

here:- and also the steady stream of anti-war and anti-weapon protests on army recruitment posters (see above pics).

I actually found the poster defacement especially funny being as the ex father in-law was an Army recruitment head blokey. I bet he wouldn't of been impressed with those shenanigans but his views on the whole war in Iraq were slightly different to the majority of free thinking people too, but all are entitled to their views in what we have left of a democracy so roll on the protests and I expect all the purchases at the said fair will end up in the next uncalled for war in perhaps, Iran.......

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